Writing an article or producing other types of output can be a struggle. There are different threats to working effectively and efficiently, including distractions, lack of time and limited ability to share struggles and solve problems, often leading to a loss of motivation and delayed output.
In this workshop, we will practice applying the so-called Pomodoro technique in the "Shut up and write" group setting. This is an approach that promises to make writing more focused, more social, more fun and – eventually – more productive by working in the presence of others and in intervals.
The workshop comprises an introduction to the Shut up and write approach (15%); an exercise in applying this approach on your own work in subsequent working intervals (75%); and finally a reflection on the experienced advantages and challenges of the approach (10%).
Please be aware that the purpose of this workshop is primarily to give you the time, space and tools to work and practice with the Shut up and write approach, rather than give you advice on the content or style of your output.
What will you achieve?
- After completing this workshop you will know how\why\where Shut up and write emerged.
- After completing this workshop you will know how the Shut up and write approach works.
- After this workshop you will be aware of the pros and cons of this approach.
- After this workshop you will be able to decide if\how this approach might benefit them.
Entry level and relevance
This workshop is useful for students in all stages of a PhD project. It is relevant for people from all disciplines and research traditions (both quantitative and qualitative).
No specific knowledge or experience is required to be able to participate in the workshop.
How to prepare
During the workshop you will mostly be doing your own work. You may decide which work you do as long as it doesn't disturb others in the group and it is something you can do by yourself. You might for instance write parts of an article or a report, but also transcribe interviews, do administration, respond to e-mails or make a blogpost.
Please decide - in advance of the workshop - which tasks you like to do (you need working tasks for about 3 hours); make any preparations needed to be able to work on your tasks during the workshop; and bring the means with you with which you can do your work, such as a (fully charged) laptop.
Please contact the lecturer if you have any questions about the preparations.

Dr. Fadi Hirzalla is the Graduate School senior lecturer and methodology consultant. He specialises in quantitative and qualitative methods and methodology, next to his substantive interests in citizenship and new media, with a particular focus on intercultural relations and young people. Prior to joining the Graduate School, he worked at the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University.