Like in any profession, scientists are frequently faced with dilemmas: Can I exclude particular observations from my research? Can I use exactly the same data set for multiple papers? Should I agree on a colleague being a co-author on a paper to which she has not made a significant contribution? The Dilemma Game confronts researchers with difficult dilemmas in the context of a critical dialogue, supporting them in further developing their own 'moral compass'. For years, the Dilemma Game was played as a card game, but in 2020 the game has been digitalized. The Dilemma Game app now allows researchers to use the game anytime, anywhere, on their own, or together with peers and colleagues.

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About the Dilemma Game app
The Dilemma Game app has been developed by Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) to stimulate awareness of, and an open and critical discussion about, integrity and professionalism in research. The game lets participants consider, choose and defend (and possibly reconsider) alternative courses of action regarding a realistic dilemma related to professionalism and integrity in research. Discussing research integrity is vital as it contributes to an open, safe, and inclusive research culture in which good research practices are deeply embedded.
The game consists of dilemmas with four possible courses of action which the players can choose from. It is important to note that due to the complexity of integrity-related dilemmas, there is no winning or losing in this game. Rather, by defending and discussing these choices in the context of a critical dialogue, the game aims to support researchers in further developing their moral compass. The game can be used in a variety of settings, and has three modes: Individual, Group, and Lecture. For instructions on playing the game, please download the instruction manual.
From Card Game to App
The original Dilemma Game was developed as one of the initiatives of the EUR Taskforce Scientific Integrity (chaired by prof. dr. Finn Wynstra). The 75 dilemmas included in the game have been collected through sessions at different EUR schools, and among researchers who use different research strategies and who are in different stages of their careers. The dilemma game has become part of the standard training in academic integrity for PhD students and researchers throughout The Netherlands.
In order to reach a wider audience and inspire continuous attention to the topic of research integrity, the Dilemma Game has been digitalized. Furthermore, benefits of an app include that the game can be played individually as well, and that it is much easier to add new relevant dilemmas to the game. The app has been developed in close cooperation with PhD students, (senior) researchers and integrity experts.
For more information about privacy, please consult the Privacy Statement for the Dilemma Game app.
In addition, specific questions concerning privacy can be directed to Marlon Domingus, Data Protection Officer at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He can be reached via
Any questions about the Dilemma Game app can be directed towards