Symposium: Celebrating the work of Jeanne Gaakeer

Friday 13 Oct 2023, 09:15 - 15:00
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Jeanne Gaakeer in toga

The day is an engagement with Jeanne Gaakeer’s work in many ways. Her interdisciplinary endeavours connecting law, literature and humanities more broadly have resonated with many colleagues around the world.

Six colleagues who have been close collaborators in her project to promote European law and literature research will present their views in a symposium. A much larger group contributes to the volume of papers celebrating her work, a volume which will include the valedictory address Jeanne Gaakeer will give at the end of the day, entitled: In the Court of Practical Wisdom. Hermeneutics and Narrative Jurisprudence.

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This is a closed event, for questions about entry you can contact Meriëlle de Zwart via

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