
613 search results for admission requirements for international students in English in Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.


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  • PhD defences 2019
    Saskia Schawo Economic Evaluation of Treatment for Externalizing Disorders in Adolescents: Connecting mental health and economics December 19, 2019 …
  • How they succeed
    Providing good care for people with behavior that is difficult to understand, is a complex task for organisations.
  • Long-term care
    How can we ensure that everyone has access to high-quality long-term care while keeping public expenditures and the burden for informal caregivers in check?…
  • Master Open Day
    Visit Erasmus University Rotterdam on our fully hybrid Master Open Day on Saturday 23 November 2024 and get to know our master programmes!
  • Contact
    Name Email Telephone General information +31 10 408 8555 Study Advisers studieadvies
    Well-being and care for the elderly in Rotterdam according to the Integrated Community Approach (GENERO-IWA) « back to ‘Projects’ page Description The aim of…
  • Video material
    Evidence for Universal Health Coverage Short Trailer …
  • Research Papers / Working Papers 2020
    Implications of COVID-19 for Risk Adjustment of Health Plan Payment Auteurs: Richard C. van Kleef, Mieke Reuser 2020.12
  • ‘Real-life situations in hospitals are always more complicated than what you learn in a textbook’
    240 Healthcare Management students from the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management played the serious game GRIP.
  • Working with uncertainty
    Managing the package of insured care is an important task of Zorginstituut Nederland (ZIN). However, this task is never finished.

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