Representative advisory board

ESHPM Council
Campus in de zomer

What is the ESHPM Council?

ESHPM has its own staff and student participation council, called ESHPM Council. This council in fact is functioning as a faculty council and has the right of co-determination with the Daily Board (DB). The ESHPM Council has ten members: five representing the staff and five representing the students. The term of office for staff members is two years and for student council members one year.

What are the tasks of the ESHPM Council?

We primarily safeguard the interests of students and staff. Minimally six times a year we meet with the DB, consisting of the Director of education, Director of research and Director of operations to discuss the state of affairs in ESHPM. We prepare these meetings in our own council meetings. All meetings are public and related documents are publicly accessible in principle. The range of our tasks is defined in ESHPM’s Internal Regulations. Our tasks are in accordance with the legally granted powers of a faculty council. They include the right of assent as regards ESHPM’s Internal Regulations and the Teaching and Examination Regulations. We also advise the MT, by request or on our own initiative, on the institutional policy regarding education and research and on financial and/or organisational issues. For that matter, the ESHPM Council has the authority to issue proposals and to make known its views on all matters pertinent to ESHPM. Furthermore, the staff representatives have the right to advise on, for example, ESHPM’s organisation and functioning, its staff policy, and reorganisations.

In 2015, the tasks of the ESHPM Council were expanded. The Program Committee (OC) was integrated into the ESHPM Council, which means that the Council plays an important role in monitoring and advising on the assurance and improvement of education quality.

Who are in the Council?

  • Brenda Leeneman
  • Frédérique Franken
  • Josje Kok
  • Cornelia van Diepen
  • Vera Geerdink
  • Sabine Monhemius
  • Troy Pollmann
  • Sebastiaan Vonk
  • Katja Rasha

The ESHPM Council is there for you!

It will be clear that participating in the ESHPM Council offers the opportunity to engage in joined-up thinking, discussing and deciding on matters of importance to the education, research and organisation of ESHPM. We are open to receive suggestions for issues that you think should be discussed with DB members.


Do you have questions, do you want more information about the ESHPM Council, or do you have an issue you'd like to discuss with the ESHPM Council? Please, send us a message to