Organisational structure


Management consists of the Daily Board (DB) and the Management Team (MT). Responsibility for ESHPM lies with the dean ad interim. He is assisted by the other members of the DB and research group leaders in the MT.

The Daily Board consists of:

  • Dean: prof. Maarten) MJ IJzerman
  • Director of education: dr. (Lucas) LMA Goossens
  • Director of research: prof. (Job) NJA van Exel
  • Director of operations: R. (René) Karens

Characteristic of ESHPM is the multidisciplinarity. Scientists from various disciplines (such as health economics, health law, organisational sciences, public administration and medical sociology) cooperate in the health care domain. The academic staff is divided into seven sections headed by a professor / research group leader:

The research group leader is responsible for the policy within the research group and maintains a close relationship with the DB ESHPM. Every month there is a meeting of the MT with the research group leaders where important issues are discussed in the fields of education, research and operations that affect all sections.

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management has a participating interest in two private limited companies: iMTA BV and Erasmus Centre for Health Care Management BV. All two fall under the EUR holding company. A short description of each company is provided below:

Institute for Medical Technology Assessment (IMTA)

The research pertaining to medical technology assessment is largely conducted by the Institute for Medical Technology Assessment (iMTA). This route has been chosen so that the organisation can act more decisively with respect to external commissioning parties. Most employees who work for iMTA were appointed to ESHPM and are ‘loaned’ to iMTA. iMTA has approximately 30 employees. iMTA is headed by Prof. Carin Uyl-de Groot, PhD (Director).

Erasmus Centre for Health Care Management

Contributing to the quality of management and administration in health care is the aim of the Erasmus Centre for Health Care Management. To this end, Erasmus Centre for Health Care Management offers well funded and up-to-date post-academic degree programmes for leaders in the health care sector. These programmes provide managers and administrators with a platform for exchanging knowledge and experience, a free zone in which to think about the future of health care and developments in management and a place to reflect on the daily practice and to work on an effective and authentic working style. The degree programmes are supported by scientific research. Erasmus Centre for Health Care Management is headed by Prof. W.K. (Wilma) van der Scheer (Director).

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) has an exceptional administrative position. It is part of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Erasmus University Rotterdam. It has a strong bond with Erasmus MC. ESHPM also works together with various faculties of Erasmus University. 

ESHPM is located on the campus of Erasmus University Rotterdam in Building J. Within the EUR community, ESHPM functions as if it were a faculty.

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