A.P. Nieboer, T. van den Broek, & J.M. Cramm (2020). Positive and negative ageing perceptions account for health differences between older immigrant and native populations in the Netherlands. BMC Geriatrics. 21, 190. doi: 10.1186/s12877-021-02119-8
C.A.M. van Diepen & A. Wolf (2021). "Care is not care if it isn't person-centred": A content analysis of how Person-Centred Care is expressed on Twitter. Health Expectations. doi: 10.1111/hex.13199
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V.C. Olivier-Pijpers, J.M. Cramm, W. Landman & A.P. Nieboer (2021). A multiple case study investigating changes in organizations serving residents with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviours. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34 (1), 190-199. doi: 10.1111/jar.12797
A.P. Nieboer & J.M. Cramm (2020). Validation of the SPF-Q, an instrument to assess the quality of production functions to achieve well-being, among multimorbid patients. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. doi: 10.1186/s12955-020-01573-z
A.P. Nieboer, K. Hajema & J.M. Cramm (2020). Relationships of self-management abilities to loneliness among older people: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics. doi: 10.1186/s12877-020-01584-x
M. Tosi & M.P.B. van den Broek (2020). Gray divorce and mental health in the United Kingdom. Social Science & Medicine, 256 (113030). doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113030
C.A.M. van Diepen, A. Fors, I. Ekman & G. Hensing (2020). Association between person- centred care and healthcare providers’ job satisfaction and work- related health: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 10 (12). doi: 10.1136/ bmjopen-2020-042658
R.A. Scheepers (2020). Supporting the balance between well‐being and performance in medical education. Medical Education, 54 (6), 499-501. doi: 10.1111/medu.14173
V.C. Olivier-Pijpers, J.M. Cramm & A.P. Nieboer (2020). Cross-sectional investigation of relationships between the organisational environment and challenging behaviours in support services for residents with intellectual disabilities. Heliyon. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04751
S.J. Kuipers, A.P. Nieboer & J.M. Cramm (2020). The Need for Co-Creation of Care with Multi-Morbidity Patients-A Longitudinal Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17093201
S.J. Kuipers, A.P. Nieboer & J.M. Cramm (2020). Views of patients with multi-morbidity on what is important for patient-centered care in the primary care setting. BMC Family Practice. doi: 10.1186/s12875-020-01144-7
V.C. Olivier-Pijpers, J.M. Cramm & A.P. Nieboer (2020). Residents’ and resident representatives’ perspectives on the influence of the organisational environment on challenging behaviour. Research in Developmental Disabilities. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103629
L. Hakobyan, A.P. Nieboer, H. Finkenflügel & J.M. Cramm (2020). The Significance of Person-Centered Care for Satisfaction With Care and Well-Being Among Informal Caregivers of Persons With Severe Intellectual Disability. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12297
Z. Feng, J.M. Cramm, C. Jin, J. Twisk & A.P. Nieboer (2020). The longitudinal relationship between income and social participation among Chinese older people. SSM - Population Health. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2020.100636
L. Vestjens, J.M. Cramm & A.P. Nieboer (2020). A cross-sectional study investigating the relationships between self-management abilities, productive patient-professional interactions, and well-being of community-dwelling frail older people. European Journal of Ageing. doi: 10.1007/s10433-020-00586-3
C.A.M. van Diepen (2020). Determining the Reach of the Health Organization’s Twitter Campaign Through Combining Geolocated Tweets With Other Data Sources. The Open University/SAGE Publications.. doi: 10.4135/9781529708684
L.M. Jones, L.L. Reinhoudt, F. Hilverda, C. Rutjes & S.C. Hayes (2020). Using the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction to Understand Female Breast Cancer Survivors’ Barriers and Facilitators for Adherence to a Community-Based Group-Exercise Program. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 36 (5), 151071. doi: 10.1016/j.soncn.2020.151071
Z. Feng, J.M. Cramm & A.P. Nieboer (2020). Social participation is an important health behaviour for health and quality of life among chronically ill older Chinese people. BMC Geriatrics. doi: 10.1186/s12877-020-01713-6
G. Tijsma, F. Hilverda, A. Scheffelaar, S. Alders, L. Schoonmade, N. Blignaut & M. Zweekhorst (2020). Becoming productive 21st century citizens: A systematic review uncovering design principles for integrating community service learning into higher education courses. Educational Research, 62 (4), 390-413. doi: 10.1080/00131881.2020.1836987
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R. Kawous, M. van den Muijsenbergh, D. Geraci, K.R.M. Hendriks, L.E. Ortensi, F. Hilverda & A. Burdorf (2020). Estimates of female genital mutilation/cutting in the Netherlands: a comparison between a nationwide survey in midwifery practices and extrapolation-model. BMC Public Health, 20 (1). doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09151-0
S.I. van Dongen, K. de Nooijer, J.M. Cramm, A. Francke, W.H. Oldenmenger, I.J. Korfage, F.E. Witkamp, R. Stoevelaar, A. van der Heide & J.A.C. Rietjens (2020). Self-management of patients with advanced cancer: A systematic review of experiences and attitudes. Palliative Medicine, 34 (2), 160-178. doi: 10.1177/0269216319883976
E. Lems, F. Hilverda, A. Sarti, L. van der Voort, A. Kegel, C. Pittens, J. Broerse & C. Dedding (2020). ‘McDonald’s Is Good for My Social Life’. Developing Health Promotion Together with Adolescent Girls from Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods in Amsterdam. Children & Society, 34 (3), 204-219. doi: 10.1111/chso.12368
Vestjens, L. (2020, December 16). Integrated primary care for community-dwelling frail older persons. Erasmus University Rotterdam. Supervisor(s): prof.dr. A.P. Nieboer & dr. J.M. Cramm. https://repub.eur.nl/pub/131227
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N. Steverink, S. Lindenberg, T. Spiegel & A.P. Nieboer (2020). The Associations of Different Social Needs with Psychological Strengths and Subjective Well‑Being: An Empirical Investigation Based on Social Production Function Theory. Journal of Happiness Studies, 21, 799-824. doi: 10.1007/s10902-019-00107-9
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M.P.B. van den Broek (2020). Is having more children beneficial for mothers’ mental health in later life? Causal evidence from the national health and aging trends study. Aging & Mental Health. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2020.1774739
M.P.B. van den Broek & M. Tosi (2020). The more the merrier? The causal effect of high fertility on later-life loneliness in Eastern Europe. Social Indicators Research. doi: 10.1007/s11205-019-02254-1
R.A. Scheepers, I.M. Smeulders & M.P.B. van den Broek (2020). The impact of an additional nurse assistant during evening shifts on nurses’ perceptions of job demands, job resources and well‐being. Journal of Advanced Nursing. doi: 10.1111/jan.14698
M.P.B. van den Broek (2020). Early-life circumstances, health behavior profiles, and later-life health in Great Britain. Journal of Aging and Health. doi: 10.1177/0898264320981233
R.A. Scheepers, M.E. Silkens, J.W. van den Berg & M.J. Lombarts (2020). Associations between job demands, job resources and patient-related burnout among physicians: results from a multicentre observational study. BMJ Open. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038466
M.P. Debets, R.A. Scheepers, B.C. Boerebach, O.A. Arah & M.J. Lombarts (2020). Variability of residents’ ratings of faculty’s teaching performance measured by five and seven-point response scales. BMC Medical Education, 20 (325). doi: 10.1186/s12909-020-02244-9
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K.F.A.A. Dabekaussen, R.A. Scheepers, E. Heineman & M.J.M.H. Lombarts (2020). The Surgical Hazardous Attitudes Reflection Profile (SHARP) Instrument–A Prototype Study. Journal of surgical education. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2019.09.007
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Cramm, J.M., & Nieboer, A.P. (2019). Acculturation is associated with older Turkish immigrants’ self-management abilities. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1228. doi:10.1186/s12889-019-7471-0.
Feng, Z., Cramm, J.M., & Nieboer, A.P. (2019). A healthy diet and physical activity are important to promote healthy ageing among older Chinese people. Journal of International Medical Research, 47(12), 6061-6081. doi: 10.1177/0300060519882590
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Hakobyan, L., Nieboer, A.P., Finkenflügel, H. & Cramm, J.M. (2019). Patient centered care and co-creation of care matter for satisfaction with care and the well-being of informal caregivers of persons with severe intellectual disabilities. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 1-12. doi:10.1111/jppi.12297
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Kuipers, S.J., Cramm, J.M., & Nieboer, A.P. (2019). The importance of patient-centered care and co-creation of care for satisfaction with care and physical and social well-being of patients with multi-morbidity in the primary care setting. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 1-10. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3818-y
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Lems, E., Hilverda, F., Broerse, J. E., & Dedding, C. (2019). ‘Just stuff yourself’: Identifying health‐promotion strategies from the perspectives of adolescent boys from disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Health Expectations, 22(5), 1040-1049. doi:10.1111/hex.12913
Luijten, C. C., Kuppens, S., Van De Bongardt, D., & Nieboer, A. P. (2019). Evaluating the psychometric properties of the mental health continuum-short form (MHC-SF) in Dutch adolescents. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 17(1), 157.
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Nieboer, A.P. & Cramm. J.M. (2019). Enabling and Disabling Behaviors in the Social Environment Are Associated with the Physical Activity of Older People in the Netherlands. BMC Public Health, 19, 361. doi:10.1186/s12889-019-6670-z
Olivier - Pijpers, V.C., Cramm, J.M. & Nieboer, A.P. (2019). Influence of the Organisational Environment on Challenging Behaviour in People with Intellectual Disabilities: Professionals’ Views. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(3), 610-621. doi:10.1111/jar.12555
Olivier - Pijpers, V.C., Cramm, J.M. & Nieboer, A.P. (2019). De relatie tussen organisatiecontext en probleemgedrag bij mensen met een verstandelijke beperking: het perspectief van gedragskundigen, managers en teamleiders. NTZ Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Zorg aan Mensen met Verstandelijke Beperkingen.
Steverink, N., Lindenberg, S., Spiegel, T., & Nieboer, A. P. (2019). The associations of different social needs with psychological strengths and subjective well-being: An empirical investigation based on social production function theory. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-26. doi:10.1007/s10902-019-00107-9
Van den Brink, F., Vollmann, M., & van Weelie, S. (2019). Relationships between transgender congruence, gender identity rumination, and self-esteem in transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. doi:10.1037/sgd0000357
Van den Broek, T., & Fleischmann, M. (2019). Prenatal famine exposure and mental health in later midlife. Aging & Mental Health, 23(2), 166-170. doi:10.1080/13607863.2017.1402293
Van den Broek, T., Tosi, M., & Grundy, E. (2019). Offspring and later-life loneliness in Eastern and Western Europe. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 31(2), 199-215. doi:10.3224/zff.v31i2.05
Van den Broek, T., Dykstra, P.A., & van der Veen, R.J. (2019). Adult children stepping in? Long-term care reforms and trends in children’s provision of household support to impaired parents in the Netherlands. Ageing & Society, 39(1), 112-137. doi:10.1017/S0144686X17000836
Vestjens, L., Cramm, J.M., Birnie, E., & Nieboer, A.P. (2019). Cost-effectiveness of a proactive, integrated primary care approach for community-dwelling frail older persons. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 17(1), 14. doi:10.1186/s12962-019-0181-8
Vestjens, L., Cramm, J.M., & Nieboer, A.P.(2019). Quality of primary care delivery and productive interactions among community-living frail older persons and their general practitioners and practice nurses. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 496. doi:10.1186/s12913-019-4255-2
Vollmann, M., Sprang, S., & van den Brink, F. (2019). Adult attachment and relationship satisfaction: The mediating role of gratitude toward the partner. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(11-12), 3875-3886. doi:10.1177/0265407519841712
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J.M. Cramm & A.P. Nieboer (2018). Validation of an instrument for the assessment of patient-centred care among patients with multimorbidity in the primary care setting: the 36-item patient-centred primary care instrument. BMC Family Practice.
V.C. Olivier-Pijpers, J.M. Cramm, W.H.E. Buntinx & A.P. Nieboer (2018). Organisational environment and challenging behaviour in services for people with intellectual disabilities: A review of the literature. Alter: Revue de phénoménologie. doi: 10.1016/j.alter.2018.06.004
A.P. Nieboer & J.M. Cramm (2018). How Do Older People Achieve Well-Being? Validation of the Social Production Function Instrument for the Level of Well-Being-Short (SPF-ILs). Social Science & Medicine, 211, 304-331.
J.M. Cramm & A.P. Nieboer (2018). Aging perceptions matter for the well-being of elderly Turkish migrants, especially among the chronically ill. BMC Geriatrics. doi: 10.1186/s12877-018-0902-4
J.M. Cramm & A.P. Nieboer (2018). Validation of an instrument for the assessment of patient-centred care among patients with multimorbidity in the primary care setting: the 36-item patient-centred primary care instrument. BMC Family Practice.
V.C. Olivier-Pijpers, J.M. Cramm, W.H.E. Buntinx & A.P. Nieboer (2017). Organisatiecontext en ondersteuning van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking en probleemgedrag. NTZ Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Zorg aan Mensen met Verstandelijke Beperkingen.
Hartgerink, J., Cramm, J.M., Bakker, T., Mackenbach, J.P, Nieboer, A.P. (2015). The importance of older patients' experiences with care delivery for their quality of life after hospitalization. BMC Health Services Research.
Cramm, J.M. & Nieboer, A.P. (2015). Building social capital over one’s lifetime may protect loss of well-being among older people. Contribution to a Springer book: Social capital as a health resource in later life: the relevance of context (Part of the Springer book series International Perspectives on Aging).
Cramm, J.M. & Nieboer, A.P. (2015). The importance of productive patient-professional interaction for the well-being of chronically ill patients. Quality of Life Research, 24 (4), 897-903. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11136-014-0813-6