Alzheimer’s Netherlands supports Professor Robbert Huijsman’s chair at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM). The extended chair will be given a new title: Innovation & Implementation in Dementia Care (I2-Dem). Support from Alzheimer’s Netherlands will allow for more research to take place on the implementation of knowledge in the dementia field. The aim is to increase the implementation of dementia research findings in practice by increasing knowledge about the success factors of implementation.
Developing innovations and knowledge in research is important, but proper and widespread implementation is still a major and comprehensive change management challenge. This challenge presents itself at different levels, from policy to the workplace and from funding to the organisation of care and well-being. The field of dissemination, implementation and valorisation is still relatively young in terms of both science and diversity of practice. Thanks to the cooperation with Alzheimer’s Netherlands, lessons can be learned on working principles to increase the implementation of knowledge. Indeed, for people with dementia and their loved ones, knowledge only has value if it is actually implemented – ‘value in use’ as Alzheimer’s Netherlands calls it.
Alignment with existing implementation initiatives
Alzheimer’s Netherlands already helps several researchers with the implementation of knowledge. For example, it implements eHealth solutions, facilitates the gathering of needs from people living with dementia, informal carers and professionals, and publishes research results. Within the large ZonMw dementia research programme, Alzheimer’s Netherlands leads the DEMPACT consortium, a cooperative arrangement with Vilans, Movisie and Pharos. Huijsman will join this consortium. The member organisations of the consortium work together with dozens of parties in health care, well-being, education and business to implement knowledge in the dementia field.
Marco Blom, head of scientific research at Alzheimer’s Netherlands: “The cooperation with Robbert Huijsman is going to provide Alzheimer’s Netherlands with a lot of knowledge. Many implementations aren’t going well right now, but there’s also an increasing number of successful examples. Huijsman will work closely with us and our partners, such as knowledge institutes, Alzheimer’s centres and the Expertise Centre for Dementia & Technology (ECDT) at Eindhoven University of Technology. By looking at implementation systematically, we can learn a lot and make future trajectories more successful.”
Robbert Huijsman: “Thanks to the support of Alzheimer’s Netherlands, the chair allows us to focus on increasing the impact of research by strengthening the implementation of knowledge in practice. Together, we aim to implement social, process and technological innovations in the wider dementia field. Together with our partners in science, education, care and well-being, we’re looking for working principles for successful implementation, ranging from shop floor to policy level. Interdisciplinary and systematic cooperation creates sustainable improvements in care and quality of life for people with dementia and their loved ones. I look forward to the insights and impact we will generate together.”
- Professor