We look back on a wonderful 2023 at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM). The past year brought with it several great alumni events. We are happy to see that, even after our anniversary year, we were able to see many alumni back at these various events.
With the new year in sight, we also look ahead to the plans for 2024: next year too promises to hold many great events.
Beyond Your Degree: Students meet Alumni - 19 April 2023
On Wednesday 19 April, the second edition of the annual event, Beyond Your Degree: Students Meet Alumni, took place. The event aimed to offer current students from all years of study inspiration on what their options are after graduating from ESHPM. With more than 10 alumni as guests who shared their experiences, it was a valuable afternoon for students!

Alumni dinner - 23 May 2023
The annual alumni dinner took place for the second time at Stadshaven Brewery Rotterdam, where the tastiest beers awaited everyone. The evening was chaired by Gimon de Graaf, visiting fellow at ESHPM. A formal presentation was also given. This time by alumna Julie Vancoppenolle, graduate of the master's programme Health Economics, Policy & Law in 2020.

Alumni conference - 27 October 2023
On 27 October, the alumni conference 'Zicht op zorg: Wat vindt de patiënt ervan?’ (‘A view on healthcare: What does the patient think?') took place. The conference was organised in collaboration with the conference committee of independent alumni association ESHPMa. The congress took place on Campus Woudestein, in the Van der Goot Building, for many a familiar place as it is where many a student has had to take an exam. The afternoon was chaired by Christiaan Vermaas, basic physician A&E. With a keynote by Dr Michelle van Tongerloo, on the issues surrounding the accessibility of care in Rotterdam, and workshops on topics such as ethics and patient experiences in hospital, this was an afternoon not soon to be forgotten.
Once again, we would like to thank all those who contributed to this informative afternoon!
Plans for 2024
For 2024 we also have a number of plans at ESHPM. Like previous years, the Students Meet Alumni (date to follow) is on the programme again, as every year we are looking for enthusiastic alumni who want to tell something about their career path and current job. Interested? Then please contact us. We will also organise an Alumni Dinner again (Tuesday 14 May 2024). We also already have a nice new location in mind.... Curious? Then keep an eye on your inbox in the new year.
Besides these two familiar events, we are also organising something new: a Homecoming event. This will take place in the autumn. This is the opportunity to come back to campus, to see your fellow students and lecturers again, as well as to get back into those lecture halls.
Erasmus University Rotterdam will also continue to celebrate its 110th anniversary in the first half of 2024, so there are plenty of activities to look forward to!