
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Student charter
    The Student Charter offers an overview of the students’ rights and obligations ensuing from statutory provisions.
  • Subsidy scheme for the Erasmus University Rotterdam Special Provisions Fund
    Via contributions, the Special Facilities Education Scheme Fund supports cultural and social activities organised by student organisations.
  • Board year committee or council
    You can get an individual student representative grant if you’re an EUR Student member of one of the associations or boards mentioned on this webpage.
  • Elite sports and university education
    Erasmus University Rotterdam believes it is important that students are able to participate in elite sports activities.
  • prof.dr. (Kees) CR Ribbens
    Kees Ribbens (1967) is endowed professor of Popular Historical Culture of Global Conflicts and Mass Violence at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Ribbens studied…
  • dr. (Simone) SMR Driessen
    Simone Driessen is an assistant professor in Media & Popular Culture in the Arts & Culture Department of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Before, she…
  • Working and studying as a non-EU/EEA student
    Looking for a side-job as an international student with a non-EU/EEA nationality? There are additional regulations and legal restrictions to be aware of.
  • How to find a job or internship
    In the Netherlands most students find their side-job through personal networks. A lot of vacancies are never even published in job portals.
  • What to arrange: bank account, insurance, taxes, etc.
    Work while you study: So, you found a side-job or internship and you cannot wait to get started! Before you do, please have a look at the practicalities that you
  • FAQ
    The answers to Frequently Asked Questions about working in the Netherlands as an international student. Is it allowed to work while you study? Do you have to

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