
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Charging stations for e-cars
    Location charging points e-cars The charging stations for e-cars can be found close to the entrance / exit to the Plaza car park, on level 2. In total there…
  • Recognized activities
    Positions that qualify for being granted an Erasmus University Rotterdam Certificate of Recognition are registered as recognized activities. It is not possible
  • (Chantal) C Ho, MA
    Popular Music Heritage, Cultural Memory and Cultural Identity POPID explores the relationship between popular music and contemporary renderings of cultural…
  • External Funding
    ERMeCC researchers have a strong track record in securing external funding. This list shows the current and recent research projects and their funding.
  • Student activities
    Students of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication are represented in the management team, the programme committees, the Faculty Council and
  • Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
    Find all information (education, research, organisation, news) about the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication here.
  • Research Themes
    This spotlight paragraph has unpublished or missing content and is not visible to visitors. This…
  • Publications and presentations
    Prof. Hein A.M. Klemann Waarom bestaat Nederland eigenlijk nog? Nederland-Duitsland: Economische integratie en politieke consequenties 1860-2000 (Rotterdam
  • Results
    On this page, you can find the results from 'A Rhine Economy, 1850-2000' and its different subprojects. Dissertations Marten Boon: 'Oil Pipelines, Politics…

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