
2573 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Studenten vertellen: de overgang van de middelbare school naar de universiteit
    De overgang van de middelbare school naar de universiteit is best ingrijpend. Je begint op een andere school, ontmoet nieuwe mensen en verhuist misschien wel…
  • Sherida van IJsselmuide
    The program has taught me a lot about how media work, how audiences might perceive certain messages and what role digitalization plays.
  • Sietske d’Arnaud van Boeckholtz
    Kunst reikt verder dan de muren van een museum!
  • Berdan Kaplan
    An insightful glimpse into the good, bad and the ugly truth of working in the television industry
  • Camilla Becker
    I realized history did not always have to be about ancient Rome or Greece. It can also very well be about analyzing the reason why the West grew rich and the…
  • Pavel Cernocan
    Historians might not build bridges, save people from a burning house, or harvest a field, but the historical knowledge they collect, upon closer inspection,…
  • Nali Majani
    The most exciting aspects of IBCoM have been the teaching style at Erasmus University, which is very engaging. Aside from teaching, the environment at Erasmus…
  • Noelle Pelletier
    Aside from academics, the IBCoM community has been the highlight of my time at Erasmus. I have found a new home in the welcoming student body, and have made…
  • Eeske Kuipers
    As it is an international course, I learn new perspectives on the world every day. IBACS is an open community where I get to enjoy the experience of studying…
  • Julia Baraban
    For me, IBACS is freedom, creativity, passion. Here, you never cease to dive into art in all its forms and manifestations. From art throughout the centuries to…

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