
2574 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Jean Monnet Chair for Gijsbert Oonk
    Gijsbert Oonk has been awarded a Jean Monnet Chair in the field of Migration, Citizenship and Identity. 
  • Media, Trust and Morality: New IBCoM seminar explores everyday moral dilemmas
    Dr. Roudakova visits Department of Media & Communication
  • Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship celebrates its 15th anniversary
    The master programme Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship has been going strong for fifteen years. Time to celebrate, to reflect on what is accomplished and…
  • Dr. Arora invited to Facebook’s new Research Commission initiative
    Dr. Arora has been invited to be on the new advisory committee by Facebook to help scholars independently assess Facebook’s impact on elections, misinformation,…
  • Pauwke Berkers and Julian Schaap publish book on gender inequality in metal music
    Last week, Pauwke Berkers and Julian Schaap published their book on gender inequality in metal music. Their book was launched during the KISMIF conference in…
  • Dr. Marc Verboord to publish article with Master Media, Culture & Society alumnus Just Kist
    Dr. Marc Verboord to publish article in the edited volume “Asian Culture Flows. Cultural Policies, Creative Industries, and Media Consumers”  with Master Media,
  • 40 Years History at Erasmus University
    In 1978 the minister of Education gave permission to the Erasmus University to found a program History of Society. Forty years later we will celebrate this on 9…
  • Screening documentary The Feel of History from PhD Candidate Lise Zurné
    The anthropological documentary film The Feel of History (2017) by PhD Candidate PhD Lise Zurné, has been selected to screen at the Regard Bleu Film Festival in…
  • FWO grant for visiting scholar Gertjan Willems
    Gertjan Willems will be joining Stijn Reijnders's Worlds of Imagination project as a visiting scholar. His research stay is supported by a grant from the…
  • Payal Arora invited to talk at the EuroScience Open Forum
    Payal Arora has been invited to talk at the Euroscience Open Forum on a panel focusing on how big data affects mobility and privacy in the context of autonomous…

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