
2569 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • LDE Global Support Grant for Naomi Oosterman
    LDE Global Support Grant for project: “Identification of irregular archaeological features in northern South America forest using Remote Sensing methods”
  • Surveying policing efforts of art and heritage crime in Latin America
    Dr Naomi Oosterman publishes article in Cahiers Politiestudies on the policing of art and heritage crime in Latin America.
  • In Memoriam prof. dr. Jan van Herwaarden (1940-2023)
    In Memoriam prof. dr. Jan van Herwaarden (1940-2023)
  • A new way to explore the news
    New trial access to NewsBank
  • Does the depiction of epidemics vary over time?
    Former, ESHCC history student, Phạm Thùy Dung has reworked her BA thesis into an article published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Media History.
  • Explore the most complete database on religion in the world
    New trial access to the World Religion Database.
  • Why cancelled artists still get high listings in the Top 2000
    Media scientist Simone Driessen explains how it is possible that songs by cancelled artists still end up high in the Dutch music ranking Top 2000.
  • Tina van der Vlies and Bowen Ran at the Theory of History Conference in Beijing
    Tina van der Vlies and Bowen Ran were at the Theory of History Conference international roundtable themed 'Western and Chinese Historical Consciousness'
  • "We want to make people aware of their coloured lenses"
    With her 'Public Issues and Imaginaries' team, Jiska Engelbert makes an effort to empower people to look at social developments differently.
  • Is Taylor Swift part of a psyop?
    Simone Driessen in WIRED on fandom, politics and the QAnon theories about Taylor Swift.

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