The University Library offers access for one year to three large English-language collection on the e-book platform of De GruyterOpens external: Business, Economics and Law; History & Cultural Studies; and Social Science.
You can find the latest titles of De Gruyter and its partner publishers, such as Amsterdam University Press, in these three collections. The collections also contain older titles of De Gruyter and these partner publishers, as well as older titles of publishers such as Berghahn books, Duke University Press, and Hardvard University Press. This means access to over 30.000 titles.
All e-books can be found in sEURchOpens external and on the platform of De GruyterOpens external. At the end of 2025, a large selection of e-books will be purchased for permanent access. Did you find an e-book on the De Gruyter platform that should be part of our permanent collection? You can check if this title is part of this temporary access collection by finding it in sEURchOpens external and clicking the “Notes & License Terms”. If you see “De Gruyter EBA Package” in the notes, this title is part of the three temporary collections.
- More information
Suggest a title for permanent acquisitions via email or via your faculty liaison to ensure access after December 2025.