Entrepreneurship and Creativity in Fashion
The course Entrepreneurship and Creativity in Fashion appeared for the first time in the curriculum of International Management (IM) master program in the academic year 2019-2020 as a result of the research launched within Erasmus+ project “Re-Frame Fashion”.

Sustainability and fashion behind the scenes
The course Sustainability & fashion behind the scenes was developed at Paris Dauphine University – PSL in 2020 as a result of the research launched within ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union “Re-Frame Fashion”. The first edition of the course was proposed in the Master Marketing & Strategy – Communication track, so that students could reflect on current marketing and strategy discourses and practices in order to sharpen their critical thinking about their future profession.

Teaching FASHION nowadays: new approaches to the learning process
This project was aiming at designing new methods for teaching fashion related topics, at proposing new teaching tools and approaches based on the specialisations of the three universities involved: heritage for Erasmus University Rotterdam, sustainability for Paris Dauphine University, and entrepreneurship for Gdansk University of Technology.

Fashion and politics post World War II in Poland
In the period of the feminist movements, the phraseology turned around the concept that “the personal is political”. One could adopt a similar concept to describe the importance - and the different, even subliminal aspects – of fashion under communism. The experience of Poland shows some of the most interesting consequences of that assumption. “Fashion is politics” – affirm today sociologists, historians and professionals when reconsidering the socialist period in that country.

BOHOBOCO its value proposition and vision on trends in fashion
The Entrepreneurship and Creativity in Fashion course has been created in cooperation with You’ll marketing agency, represented by its founder Joanna Staniszewska, and involved a real case with Polish fashion brand, BOHOBOCO. BOHOBOCO was established in 2009 as a result of joining forces of two designers: Michał Gilbert Lach and Kamil Owczarek. From the beginning, the duo has been building a consistent image of the brand addressed to modern and independent women.

Results business model TRAVELOT
During the course, students learned to use the business model canvas or lean canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur 2010; Maurya, 2011), which is an engineering approach to build a successful business. Students prepared this business model canvas and were divided into seven project groups.

Results Case Studies on the European Fashion Heritage Association
During the entire course, five groups of students worked on a case study on the European Fashion Heritage Association (EFHA). In the first week, Marco Rendina, managing director of EFHA, introduced the association and the challenges it faces. At the same time, students received training by Carla Gatt, senior editor at the RSM case development centre, on the nature of case studies and their teaching notes, along with how to write them. Each group of students chose a specific challenge faced by the EFHA as the focus of their analysis for the entire course.

Fashion facing Covid19: what next?
The first half of 2020 marks a significant change for fashion as well as for the world. The Covid-19 episode brought many changes to the practices and organization of the fashion industry, extremely dependent on a globalized system. It remains to be seen whether these changes imposed by the crisis will be lasting, and whether the will to change, of industry players and consumers, will continue or fade.

The new generation in conversation with STUDIOVEGTER
Loes Julicher, alumna of the EUR Fashion Industry Minor and events manager of student association the New Fashion Society had the honor to interview Susanne Vegter, founder and director of STUDIOVEGTER. STUDIOVEGTER is a fashion and design recruitment and intermediation agency focussed on connecting professionals, companies, and educational institutes in fashion and design industries.