After graduation

Media Studies

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Media & Business

The digital revolution and globalisation have transformed the media business and other industries. Media & Business allows you to explore these developments.
Media & Business student

Media & Creative Industries

Trace, analyse, and address key developments and challenges in the media and creative industries during this innovative and international specialisation.
Media & Creative Industries student

Media en Journalistiek

De Rotterdamse master Media & Journalistiek combineert de journalistieke praktijk met wetenschappelijk onderzoek en theorievorming. Lees meer op onze website.
Media & Journalistiek student

Media, Culture & Society

Learn the key tools to examine and understand the complex and changing roles of the media in our personal, political, and cultural lives.
Media, Culture & Society student

Below you can read more about the career opportunities after finishing one of the specialisations of the Master Media Studies. View the career prospects of Media & BusinessMedia & Creative Industries or Media, Culture & Society.

Career opportunities Master Media & Business

Media and Business graduates enjoy excellent career prospects in a wide range of positions in the media sector and other industries. You will be up for jobs such as media analyst, communications adviser, marketer, media planner, product/brand manager, and policy maker. This programme also provides a solid base If you aim to start your own business, carry out applied media and communications research, or pursue a career in media production.

Career opportunities Media & Creative Industries

Media & Creative Industries graduates are widely employable professionals with excellent career opportunities.  You will be up for a variety of management, marketing, consultancy, communication and public relations positions in the media and creative industries and beyond. The Media & Creative Industries programme also offers a strong foundation if you aim to start your own creative business, carry out media and market research, or pursue a career in media production or policy making.

Career opportunities Master Media, Culture & Society 

Media, Culture and Society graduates are eminently employable professionals with excellent prospects on the labour market. Many of our graduates fulfil management, marketing, and public relations functions in the media and communication sector, the creative industries or the art world. Others work as editors, journalists, or producers in various media or have a career as policy makers or consultants in government and other organizations. The Media, Culture, and Society programme also gives you a solid basis on which to build a career as a researcher.

Academic career

If you want to proceed with advanced, research-oriented education in the field of media studies you can apply for our Research Master’s in the Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts. This programme is specifically designed to prepare you to carry out research leading to a doctorate degree.

If you have demonstrated academic excellence and motivation during your Media Studies programme and your English meets the standard, you will be allowed to complete an abridged research Master’s programme of approximately one year.

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