Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Pieter) PJBJ van den Heede

    Pieter Van den Heede is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of History at Erasmus University Rotterdam. In his research, he focuses on the study of…
    dr. (Pieter) PJBJ van den Heede
  • (Wouter) W Heijveld

    (Wouter) W Heijveld
  • prof.dr. (Carola) CM Hein

    prof.dr. (Carola) CM Hein
  • (Clemens) CA van Herwaarden

    (Clemens) CA van Herwaarden
  • (Anne) AF Heslinga

    **Annie Heslinga is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of History Culture and Communication (Department of History).** Her doctoral research is funded by the…
    (Anne) AF Heslinga
  • (Bram) BFM Hilkens

    Bram is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, employed at dr. Daniel Curtis' VIDI-project 'Positively Shocking'. He is mostly occupied with&nbsp…
    (Bram) BFM Hilkens
  • dr. (Erik) HJCJ Hitters

    **Erik Hitters is Associate Professor of Media and Creative Industries in the Department of Media & Communication of Erasmus University Rotterdam.** He has…
    dr. (Erik) HJCJ Hitters
  • (Chantal) C Ho, MA

    (Chantal) C Ho, MA
  • dr. (Dorus) TJ Hoebink

    dr. (Dorus) TJ Hoebink
  • dr. (Yuri) Y van Hoef

    Research My research focuses on the role of friendship in contemporary political history, with a specialisation in the role of emotions in politics,…
    dr. (Yuri) Y van Hoef

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