Researcher profiles

281 results

  • dr. CE (Chris) Aalberts

    Chris Aalberts is docent en onderzoeker politieke communicatie. Hij is gespecialiseerd in kwalitatief onderzoek naar de relatie tussen burgers en politiek. Zijn…
    dr. CE (Chris) Aalberts
  • prof.dr. RJ (Robbert-Jan) Adriaansen

    Robbert-Jan Adriaansen is associate professor at the History Department of Erasmus University Rotterdam and is the EuroClio Endowed Chair Historical Culture in…
    prof.dr. RJ (Robbert-Jan) Adriaansen
  • E (Ezgi) Aktug, MSc

    E (Ezgi) Aktug, MSc
  • I (Isabel) Albers, MA

    I (Isabel) Albers, MA
  • EA (Elise) Alkemade, MSc

    Elise Alkemade is a PhD candidate in the Department of Media and Communication at ESHCC. Her research project is about trust and trust-alternatives in…
    EA (Elise) Alkemade, MSc
  • ir. JGC (Jonas) Althuis

    ir. JGC (Jonas) Althuis
  • dr. J (Juliana) Alves de Alcantara

    dr. J (Juliana) Alves de Alcantara
  • dr. EF (Etienne) Augé

    Etienne F. Augé is Principal Lecturer in the department of Media and Communication. He received his doctorate from the École des Hautes Études en…
    dr. EF (Etienne) Augé
  • dr. M (Maria) Avraamidou

    Digital & traditional media and migration; media and nationalism; postcolonial communication 
    dr. M (Maria) Avraamidou
  • dr. I (Isabel) Awad Cherit

    Isabel Awad is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC). The…
    dr. I (Isabel) Awad Cherit

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