Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Freya) FGR De Keyzer

    dr. (Freya) FGR De Keyzer
  • dr. (Teresa) T De La Hera

    Teresa de la Hera is Assistant Professor of Persuasive Gaming at Erasmus University. Her expertise is particularly related to understanding how digital games…
    dr. (Teresa) T De La Hera
  • (Liesbeth) LJLM De Strooper, MA

    Liesbeth De Strooper (Leuven, 1988) joined the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies in September 2011 as a lecturer and PhD candidate. Her PhD will focus on…
    (Liesbeth) LJLM De Strooper, MA
  • dr. (Izabela) IM Derda

    Izabela Derda, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in Media & Creative Industries at the Media & Communication Department.She has a strong background in…
    dr. (Izabela) IM Derda
  • (Matthijs) M Dicke

    (Matthijs) M Dicke
  • dr. (Maarten) MF van Dijck

    Maarten Van Dijck (1980) is associate professor in history and theory of the social sciences at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. His teaching concerns the…
    dr. (Maarten) MF van Dijck
  • prof.dr. (Wim) HW Van den Doel

    prof.dr. (Wim) HW Van den Doel
  • prof.dr. (Dick) D Douwes

    Dick Douwes is Professor of Global History, at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Since 2006 he is also dean of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and…
    prof.dr. (Dick) D Douwes
  • dr. (Simone) SMR Driessen

    Simone Driessen is an assistant professor in Media & Popular Culture in the Arts & Culture Department of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Before, she…
    dr. (Simone) SMR Driessen
  • dr. (Delia) DD Dumitrica

    Dr. Delia Dumitrica has joined Erasmus University's Department of Media and Communication in 2015 with a research and teaching expertise in Political…
    dr. (Delia) DD Dumitrica

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