Programme overview

Media, Culture & Society
Media, Culture & Society student

The study programme in a nutshell

Media, Culture & Society is one of the five master Media Studies specialisations. This specialisation offers you key tools to examine and understand the complex and changing roles of the media in our personal, political, and cultural lives.

The interdisciplinary focus of Media, Culture & Society is strengthened by real-life cases and guest lectures from professionals. The programme aims at effectively bringing theory into practice by diving into the communication challenges faced by actors and organizations within the media and other social fields. Next to combining theory and practice, you will also train academic skills such as critical reading, presenting, debating, writing, and conducting empirical research.

What you will learn

As a Media, Culture & Society student, you will gain expertise on key developments in the media world and their wider societal causes and consequences. You will acquire state of the art knowledge about processes of media production, distribution, and reception, while being prepared to systematically examine these processes and their implications. All this will equip you to analyse complex social and cultural phenomena related to the fast-changing media environment.

Master Thesis

The final step of the master specialisation is writing your master thesis. Students before you wrote their master thesis on topics such as ‘Museums, Millennials and Gen Z’, ‘Exploring Contemporary Film Taste and Consumption Practices’ and ‘Sociological Factors Affecting Change in Music Taste’ to name a few. 

Introduction video about the MA Media, Culture & Society by dr. Isabel Awad

Media, Culture & Society by dr. Isabel Awad

Course overview

Below you can view the programme of Media, Culture & Society for 2024-2025.

Note: The capacity of Elective Seminars and Research Workshops is limited. Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis. Content, themes and scheduling of Elective Seminars and Research Workshops is subject to change and may vary in subsequent academic years.

Study schedule 2024-2025

Term 1

Course code: CM4202

Student workload: 5 EC

Course code: CM4201

Student workload: 5 EC

Term 1-2

Course code: CM4304

Student workload: 10 EC

Term 2

Participating AudiencesCM42055 EC
Digital Media and Cultural IdentitiesCM4210

Vigilant Audiences, Visibility and ReputationCM42525 EC
Media and MigrationCM4254
Television AudiencesCM4351

Term 3

Course code: CM4493

Student workload: 5 EC

Media Policies and Markets CM44915 EC
Media EntrepreneurshipCM4503
The Future of the Creative Labour MarketCM4501
Roaming the Digital World: Data Analytics for Business & SocietyCM4104

Term 1-4

Course code: CM5050

Student workload: 20 EC

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