Why this programme

Media & Creative Industries
Student MCI on campus

What does this study entail?

The media and creative industries have undergone significant change in recent years as a result of digitalisation, internationalisation, and conglomeration, but also under the influence of socio-cultural, political, and economic developments. Think about the emergence of streaming services in the music and television industries, user-generated content in journalism, and the impact of artificial intelligence on creativity at large.

This master specialisation covers the production, organisation, management, marketing and distribution of media and creative products, but also provides you with in-depth insights into how audiences receive and engage with those products.

Is this the right programme for you?

Media & Creative Industries meets the growing demand for academically trained media and creative industry experts who are able to respond effectively and critically to the changing conditions, emerging complex issues, and new opportunities for media and creative enterprises.

This innovative and international specialisation provides you with the analytical and creative skills to start or advance your career in one of the most vibrant sectors of the contemporary global economy.

Furthermore, you will be part of an international, interactive, and engaged classroom.  And you will be supported and guided by a professional, international, and enthusiastic team of lecturers. This enables you to develop a comprehensive, international perspective on the media and creative industries.

Media & Creative Industries by Viktória

Media & Creative Industries by Viktória

Five reasons to study Media & Creative Industries at the EUR

  • Real-world cases, guest lectures, and professional seminar sessions support the interdisciplinary focus of this master specialisation;
  • special attention is paid to presentation, debate, analysis, writing, and research skills in seminars and research workshops;
  • you will be part of an international, interactive, and engaged classroom. And you will be supported and guided by a professional, international, and enthusiastic team of lecturers;
  • the programme's practice-based approach and distinctive focus on the labour market will bring you into contact with a variety of media and creative industry professionals, which will facilitate access to high profile jobs in the media and creative industries;
  • and did we already mention how cool Rotterdam is? Studying in here means studying in a cosmopolitan city. Discover the city's best restaurants, visit the most beautiful museums, or go to world-class events. Living in Rotterdam will never get boring.

A word from our students

Viktoria Vargova

Viktoria Vargova - Student Master Media & Creative Industries

I think that Media & Creative Industries is laying down a solid knowledge base for my future work.
Portrait picture of Viktoria Vargova
I think that Media & Creative Industries is laying down a solid knowledge base for my future work.

After finishing my bachelor’s in international Relations and European Studies and taking some time off to travel, volunteer and work, I realized that I wanted to pursue my Master in a slightly different field. Although I loved what I studied before, I wanted something that would finally allow me to be more creative and connected to the subjects I was interested in. I wanted to pursue a career that was not going to be monotonous and predictable; I wanted something that would challenge me, allow me to be innovative, flexible and in a field that calls for creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

Tailored to your liking

Erasmus University was a clear choice to me, but the master specialisation Media and Creative Industries exceeded my expectations. Not only do our professors happen to be brilliant and knowledgeable individuals but also the content of the programme can be tailored to your liking. The teaching model asks for us students to be active and assertive, contributing with ideas and discussions. The classroom is as international as you can imagine, and therefore our classes are always intriguing, reflecting the diverse points of view.

Practice makes perfect

There is a lot of writing included, which might seem overwhelming at first, but the reason is clear: practice makes perfect. I can feel that this master specialisation is helping me to improve my skills, whether it is clear and concise writing, critical thinking, mastering the research methods and analysis, or public speaking and teamwork.

Theoretical framework and practical application

Although every course brought me some valuable knowledge, courses like Audience Engagement or Innovation in the Creative Industries present a great combination of a theoretical framework and practical application. We are very free in choosing our topics of interest while working on a research paper or any other project, but we always have rubrics to follow and further guidance from our professors. This programme is already teaching me more than I expected, and I am curious about what is in store for the next months to come.

Solid knowledge base for the future

The ultimate goal after the master specialisation is to have my own online business within the creative field. However, I would love to acquire more practical knowledge in companies dealing with creative processes, design, social matters or the combination of…well, everything. It feels that our options are going to be broad, which fits with a personality like mine that does not want to settle for one path only. I think that Media & Creative Industries is laying down a solid knowledge base for my future work, so I am very much looking forward to seeing what the Netherlands (or the world) has to offer afterwards!

Portrait picture of Viktoria Vargova

Marjolijn Winten

Marjolijn Winten - Alumna Master Media & Creative Industries

Ik vind de commerciële kant van communicatie echt heel leuk
Ik vind de commerciële kant van communicatie echt heel leuk

‘Toen ik een half jaar moest overbruggen tussen mijn Bachelor Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen en de Master Media & Cultuur kwam ik via- via bij Universal Music terecht. Er ging een wereld voor me open en ik ontdekte daar dat ik communicatie, en juist ook de commerciële kant hiervan, echt heel leuk vind.

Ik heb mijn afstudeeronderzoek in Argentinië gedaan en vanuit daar gesolliciteerd. Bij terugkomst deed Warner Music mij een aanbod. Op de avond voor mijn eerste werkdag leverde ik mijn scriptie in, dat sloot naadloos aan. Daarna kwam ik bij Viacom International Media Networks terecht, waar ik nu verantwoordelijk ben voor de marketing van Comedy Central Duitsland/Zwitserland/Oostenrijk. Ik bekijk de programmering en bepaal hoe we bepaalde programma’s gaan promoten. Het is echt marketing in de breedste zin van het woord, heel uitdagend en veelzijdig.

Huidige studenten zou ik aan willen raden om te proberen erachter te komen waar je hart ligt. Ikzelf heb er tijdens mijn studie altijd veel dingen naast gedaan, al realiseer ik me dat dit tijdens de Master best lastig is omdat die pittig is. Maar juist aan die nevenactiviteiten heb ik veel gehad. Probeer je echt zoveel mogelijk naast je studie te ontwikkelen. Zo kom je er ook achter wat je leuk vindt en dan kun je komen waar je wilt komen. Daardoor ga ik elke dag met heel veel plezier naar mijn werk.'

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