
In the orientation phase, you search for information about studying in general and about the kinds of programmes you could follow. But to determine whether, what and where to study, before you start, you need to know the motives that are important to you.

Your study choice doubts can be influenced by many different factors. Below you can download a schedule which can help you make clear for yourself where your pain points are. You can discuss the completed schedule with your parents, friends and / or the student counselor / career counselor.

Do you find it important to find a 'fun programme' or do you keep in mind that you have to find a job later? Do you first pick a city and later on your programme? There are many reasons why you can choose a particular programme. They are different for everyone. Download the form below and complete the questionnaire. You'll get a clear picture of which factors influence your study choice.

It is also important that you reflect on yourself. Who are you? What can you do? What do you want?
By answering these questions you can reflect on yourself, ask your friends for help or make a test. 

On an average day you'll open your Facebook or Instagram several times to see what people (and companies) you're interested in have shared. The type of websites, people, companies and institutions you follow on social media in your spare time says something about you as a person. Open your social media account and map out which channels you follow. Ask yourself the following questions:

1)  Which people and companies do I follow?
2) Can I categorize them?
3) What appeals to me in these (groups of) people / companies?
4) What does this say about myself?


Who haven't wrote one: a biography for a dating app. Your bio is the image you want to show to others. After all: (online) dating is selling the best version of yourself. To discover how other people look at you, you could ask a friend, family member or fellow student to write a biography for you. Which features stand out to them and what do they see as your best qualities?

This test will help you gain some insights on your personality and competences. 

Does academic education suit you? Or is a higher professional education programme/university of applied sciences more appropriate? The list below indicates the most important differences between the two forms of higher education.

Higher Professional Education

Academic Education



Practice-oriented (with practical assignments, including at organisations)

Theory-oriented (abstract assignments in which you undertake research)

Internship is mandatory

Internship is an option

You apply theory directly in practice

You generate new knowledge

Competency-focused learning

Discipline-focused learning

Many different courses

Fewer courses (but in more depth)

Average study speed

High study speed

Lots of group work

Lots of independent work

Personal approach

Less personal approach

More checks on homework

Fewer/no checks on homework

You are trained for an operational profession

You are trained for a higher position with faster promotion options

Clear professional perspective

No clear professional perspective

(source: http://keuzesprong.nl/hbo/hbo-of-wo-wat-is-het-verschil/Opens external)

You can only search for a programme when you know yourself well. Which programmes are available? Take a look at the EUR bachelor degreesstudiekeuze123 or on kiesjestudie.nl for higher professional education and academic education studies in the Netherlands. Which programme suits you? What seems interesting to you? To find out which bachelor or master programme fits your interest, fill out the choice of study test.

One of the biggest pitfalls in selecting a study is an irrelevant reason - also known as the 3 S pitfall (Site, Salary and Status). This includes the image of a study or profession (status), close to home or student association (site/city) or being able to earn a lot of money at a later stage (salary). Other pitfalls include: choosing a study because a friend is/will be doing it, family pressure, having no other idea. The more reasons you can find for your study choice the better.

If you’ve completed the orientation phase, move on to the exploration phase.

Career & study choice test

If you need inspiration to start your study choice process

Doubts about your study choice?

A career and study choice advisor helps


If you have doubts about what you want


If you want to select programmes or sectors that interest you


If you want to get profound information on your selected programmes


When your at the point of making a final choice

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