
Are you interested in the experiences of our alumni and Captains of Industry that studied at Erasmus School of Economics, then click on the links below to read their stories.

Captains of Industry

Laura van Geest

Laura van Geest | Graduated 1989 - Chair of The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)

'I continue to benefit from the knowledge I acquired as a student at Erasmus University every day'
Laura van Geest portrait picture
'I continue to benefit from the knowledge I acquired as a student at Erasmus University every day'

When I was in secondary school, the political debate was dominated by the power struggle between Den Uyl and Wiegel. I thought it was quite exciting. 

I decided to study Economics, since money often plays an important role in politics. Of course, I did opt for general Economics, while your average Rotterdam student enrolled in Business Economics. Later on, I also studied Business Administration in addition to Economics. This combination laid an excellent foundation for my future career at the Ministry of Finance – you’re not only expected to outline the various policy options; but also how they can be realised.

Rotterdam no-nonsense approach

I continue to benefit from the knowledge I acquired as a student at Erasmus University every day – from employment market economics to exchange rates; from macroeconomics to budgetary policy. In addition, the Rotterdam no-nonsense approach has always appealed to me. I still live in Rotterdam, and in my day-to-day work, a straightforward, fact-based approach proves to be most effective.

Laura van Geest portrait picture

Ruud Lubbers

Ruud Lubbers - Prime Minister of the Netherlands 1982-1994

I have very fond memories of my years at Nederlandse Economische Hoogeschool (from 1 September 1957 to 1 April 1962).
Premier Lubbers terug uit VS (op Schiphol); Lubbers (koppen)
I have very fond memories of my years at Nederlandse Economische Hoogeschool (from 1 September 1957 to 1 April 1962).

Mostly thanks to the succession of outstanding professors who taught there. This more than anything made it such a worthwhile experience.

Imagine sitting in a lecture hall, listening to Professor Tinbergen or Professor Witteveen, to name just two luminaries. Actually, my time studying there finished too soon – although thanks to Tinbergen, when I graduated under Witteveen’s supervision, it was still with honours.

My study has continued to have an impact on my life. Consequently, for me, my years in Rotterdam amount to far more than just a Business Economics degree – they have proven valuable throughout my life.

‘Non scholae sed vitae discimus’

It has had a lasting influence on my life as an entrepreneur (ten years) and in politics (7,777 days in The Hague) and finally as a Professor of Globalisation and one of the founding fathers of Earth Charter.”

Premier Lubbers terug uit VS (op Schiphol); Lubbers (koppen)

Alumna Masja Zandbergen-Albers

Masja Zandbergen-Albers - Head of Sustainability Integration at Robeco and former Master student in Econometrics at Erasmus School of Economics

I am very happy with the solid foundation that was built during my Econometrics study
I am very happy with the solid foundation that was built during my Econometrics study

Since the start of her career in fund management Masja Zandbergen-Albers has been advocating sustainability. However, in the nineties neither clients nor colleagues were particularly interested. Now she is Head of Sustainability Integration at Robeco in Rotterdam, which she has seen transforming into a leader in sustainable investing. She works with a team of fifty people that has been developing a wide range of green investment strategies that is matched by very few other asset managers.

Originally, I was considering an Economics study, but since math came easily to me, I opted for Econometrics. My father told me that the best place to study this subject was Erasmus School of Economics and with hindsight I think he was absolutely right. The fact that I have continued to live in Rotterdam ever since is no coincidence. The city’s hands-on-mentality really appeals to me. In addition, it is a very international place with people from all walks of life.

How did it feel to be one of very few women during your study? 

It was not an issue. During many of the seminars I would be the only female student, but I was there to study so it did not matter. Being a member of SSR, offered me plenty of opportunities for a nice social life. At work, I have often been in predominantly male environments as well and actually I view it as something positive. Men are a bit more direct, which suits me fine. Sustainable investing is traditionally an area where you will find more women. If I had to venture a guess, I would say that it is because we put our money where our mouth is. For a long time we have had different priorities than men and it is great that these have now become more mainstream in the investment world.

Can you describe your career?

I joined Robeco in 1997 as a trainee. I have always been convinced of the necessity for shareholder engagement and attention to sustainability. However, there was not any real demand for that yet from our clients so it was difficult to generate interest within Robeco. When we started Robeco’s engagement team in 2005 our activities were mostly limited to voting and engaging with companies. In 2008, I felt it would be good for my personal development to gain some experience with management. At the time, that opportunity was not available within Robeco so I left to become an interim manager. Back then the group of people involved in sustainable investment was still very small and I was able to find interesting assignments. One of my clients was Syntrus Achmea, now Achmea Investment Management, where I was initially asked for a maternity cover of the Head of Sustainable Investment. Later I joined them as Head of Equities and (temporarily) credits, which gave me the opportunity to learn about the whole investment chain including back office and IT. I had a great time and stayed for 4 years, but when they moved to Zeist my commute from Rotterdam became so time-consuming that I decided to leave. It was great to come back to Robeco as Head of Research for the Global Equity team, but I did indicate that I would like to be involved in sustainable investing. When the post of Head of Sustainability Integration became vacant, I was able to realise this goal. 

'I have always been convinced of the necessity for shareholder engagement and attention to sustainability.'

What is it like to work for Robeco?

Founded in Rotterdam, the company is now owned by Orix of Japan. We have offices in 16 countries, but the investment department in Rotterdam is also very international with colleagues from all over the world. My team enjoys doing things together; recently, we went ice-skating. Even the ones who have not grown up with skates put on a brave face. The sustainable investment center of expertise now has 50 people and they embody a wealth of experience. In turn, this knowledge attracts young talent that is eager to learn and committed to add value to what is already there. 

What distinguishes Robeco’s approach in sustainable investing?

We have now been active in this area for so long that we have already been through a very thorough thought process to get to where we are. People who are new to this type of investing are still debating what it actually means. I am convinced that we can help our clients better because we have charted the way to different types of sustainable investing and the consequences for the selection of investable stocks (the universe). Yes, such choices may have an impact on potential returns, but we can guide newcomers to informed decisions, based on our experience. There are few asset managers that offer such a broad choice in sustainability strategies, ranging from equities to bonds and everything in between. Analysis of financially material ESG issues is part of the investment process for 96% Robeco’s assets under management, we apply exclusion criteria for all our funds and for 22% we are going even further by looking at the carbon footprint of investments or the contribution to the realisation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In terms of assets under management in funds that adhere to the strictest regulation on sustainability we find ourselves in the top 10 in Europe, according to Morningstar Fund Research.

When we participate in groups of institutional investors that are trying to make a difference, we only do so if we can play an active role. We are a founding member of the Net Zero Asset Managers Alliance and play a role in various initiatives regarding biodiversity. Another example is our membership of the Climate Action 100+. Together we have been able to nominate a board member at Italian energy company Enel, which resulted in a more active dialogue on sustainability between the company and the investment community. These activities take a lot of time and effort, but supporting such initiatives in name only is just not enough.


What is the relationship with Erasmus School of Economics?

Many of my colleagues are alumni from Erasmus School of Economics or other faculties. Some of them still work part time at EUR: Guido Baltussen is Head of Factor Investing and Co-Head of Fixed Income at Robeco. He is also a Professor of Finance at Erasmus School of Economics. Joop Huij is responsible for Robeco’s sustainable index solutions and is an Associate Professor of Finance at Rotterdam School of Management where he teaches asset management. Conducting academic research is facilitated very well within Robeco. Several of my colleagues have (co)authored papers in scientific journals, which has helped us to develop our investment philosophy further.

How do you define sustainability?

Sustainable investing can take many different forms. It is very important that there is sufficient transparency to allow the client to understand what funds are really doing in this area. However, labels can also complicate things, especially if they vary from country to country. Sometimes it becomes almost impossible to market the same fund in different countries while complying with all local regulations. It is good that the EU has come up with the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation), but it is still work in progress and should not lead to an emphasis on box ticking instead of intrinsically motivated decision-making. What I like about SFDR is its emphasis on double materiality. On the one hand integrating ESG criteria and mitigating ESG risks in the investment process will lead to better investment decisions. On the other hand ‘Money, money, money’ is not enough. To paraphrase Abba, we should also be encouraged to ask ourselves ‘Does your mother know?’. You want to be able to explain how the companies you select play their part in creating a sustainable future. 

Can you give some examples of engagement activities and their impact?

We have screened our portfolios for CO2 emissions and selected the 200 biggest emitters. For these companies we studied all the information regarding their 2050 targets. Some had no information at all and others just did not have credible plans. It has led to increased engagement with companies where we see room for improvement. In those cases where we considered the transparency subpar, we have decided to demand more openness through voting at AGMs, even if there were no proposals on this topic on the agenda yet. We voted against other items on the agenda and explained our stance to the company in writing. For the companies with the lowest scores in our climate framework and where the follow up is insufficient, this may lead to exclusion. When we started excluding tobacco one of the major companies in the sector wrote to us, stating that they would be smoke-free by 2050. We replied that we would gladly reconsider an investment if they could let us know by the time they had achieved this goal.

What is the benefit of your Econometrics study in your work?

I am no longer actively programming or developing models, but I have been trained to analyse data and other information very quickly. This mindset is something I use every day and I am very happy with the solid foundation that was built during my Econometrics study.

Young Alumni

Harald Swinkels - Alumnus

Harald Swinkels - Graduated in 2004

Erasmus School of Economics will provide you with the foundation you need to start with confidence.
Harald Swinkels
Erasmus School of Economics will provide you with the foundation you need to start with confidence.

I moved to Rotterdam from a small town in North Limburg in 1993. I started out as an Econometrics student. Later on, I switched to the Business Economics programme at Erasmus School of Economics. As can be gathered from my year of graduation, it took me a respectable 11 years to obtain my degree.

Fortunately, this was not – or rather, not only – due to my enjoying student life to the full. Rather, my activities in this period have had an impact on my life to this very day: I actually launched my career as an entrepreneur while I was still a student.

I thank my time in the Econometrics programme (of which I only rounded off the first year) for my special interest in data analysis. It has allowed me to set up the specific, data-driven operational management structure that – in my humble opinion – is vital for an organisation that serves such a large number of customers as NLE.

Nevertheless, I remember feeling somewhat frustrated by econometrists’ attempts to capture psychological processes in an abstract formula – with disruptive effect. Because that was my key ‘take-away’ from the degree programme that I did round off eventually: that human behaviour – which generally speaking cannot be considered rational – plays a crucial role in day-to-day economics.

I became a member of the student association Rotterdamsch Studenten Corps (RSC) in the very first year of my studies. It marked the start of a terrific period in my life. I cherish the memory of the countless hours I spent flat out on the couch in my student house – which has long since been declared unfit for habitation. It prepared me for the period that followed, in which there would be no more opportunity to slack off.

After graduating, I have always stayed in touch with Professor Willem Verbeke, who was my thesis supervisor. When he invited me to lecture in his Sales Leadership programme at the EUR-affiliated Institute for Sales and Account Management a few years ago, I didn’t think twice. It’s wonderful to be able to share my own experiences in a setting so familiar to me.

And finally, for those existing and prospective students reading these testimonials who are considering going into business during or after their studies: don’t hesitate. I can sincerely recommend it. Erasmus School of Economics will provide you with the foundation you need to start with confidence – just like I did. And, stay ‘Rotterdam’ about it: don’t take yourself too seriously…

"Erasmus School of Economics will provide you with the foundation you need to start with confidence"

Harald Swinkels

Graduated in 2004

Harald Swinkels

Alumnus Jelle Boonstra

Jelle Boonstra - Jelle is Indirect Tax Consultant bij Mazars. Hij volgde zijn bachelor- en masteropleiding Fiscale Economie in Rotterdam en is afgestudeerd in 2017.

Mijn werkzaamheden als Indirect Tax Consultant zijn onder te verdelen in: algemene advisering, M&A en data analytics
Mijn werkzaamheden als Indirect Tax Consultant zijn onder te verdelen in: algemene advisering, M&A en data analytics

Jelle werkt voor de indirect tax afdeling als btw-specialist. Zijn klanten zijn doorgaans (middel)grote ondernemingen. Een specialisatie binnen de btw heeft hij bewust (nog) niet gekozen, waardoor zijn klantenportefeuille vrij divers is. Tot nu toe bevalt de afwisseling hem heel goed: “Zo kan ik in de ochtend een overleg met een tax manager van een beursgenoteerd uitzendbureau hebben, gevolgd door een data analytics project voor een farmaceut in de middag”.  

Wat doet een Indirect Tax Consultant?

Aangezien de klantenportefeuille van Jelle vrij divers is, zijn de vraagstukken dat ook. “Mijn werkzaamheden als Indirect Tax Consultant zijn onder te verdelen in: algemene advisering, M&A en data analytics”, legt Jelle uit.

“Klassieke advisering betreft vooral het beantwoorden van korte vragen van klanten, bijvoorbeeld of de btw aftrekbaar is of welk tarief van toepassing is, en het voorbereiden van uitgebreidere adviezen zoals memo's en rapporten over de btw-behandeling van transacties of de btw-positie van een gehele onderneming”.

“M&A staat voor Mergers and Acquisitions”, zegt Jelle. In opdracht van een potentiële koper moet Jelle de over te nemen onderneming controleren op btw-risico's. Deze risico’s schrijft hij uit in een rapportage voor de potentiële koper. Vervolgens kan de potentiële koper dat meenemen in de prijsonderhandelingen met de verkoper of doen besluiten af te zien van een overname. 

Bij data analytics maakt Jelle gebruik van de grote hoeveelheid data die in de financiële administratie van klanten aanwezig zijn. Jelle noemt als voorbeeld goederenbewegingen: “Door onder andere te kijken vanuit waar de goederen worden verstuurd en wat de bestemming is, kan bijvoorbeeld worden afgeleid of het gehanteerde btw-tarief op deze leveringen logisch lijkt”. Zo doen ze bij Mazars tal van checks om te kijken of de btw-behandeling juist is. Op deze manier kunnen ze gedetailleerd onderzoeken of ondernemingen in lijn zijn met wet- en regelgeving.

Naast het advieswerk is Jelle mentor voor studenten Fiscaal Recht en Fiscale Economie die naast hun studie, als werkstudent werkzaam zijn bij Mazars. 

Een dag bij Mazars

“Allereerst koffie! Vanaf 9.00 uur start ik vaak met het scannen van fiscale nieuwsberichten. Hierna bespreek ik lopende projecten of conceptadviezen met mijn leidinggevenden. Vervolgens bekijk ik welke vragen of mails erbinnen zijn gekomen. Tijdens de lunch vindt wekelijks een vaktechnisch overleg plaats waar relevante en interessante jurisprudentie, maar ook literatuur wordt besproken”, gaat Jelle verder.

“Na het overleg staan telefonische besprekingen met klanten op het programma. Daarna werk ik aan adviesopdrachten. Meestal werk ik tot ongeveer 18.30 uur”.

Studie toepassen in de praktijk

“Fiscale Economie is bij uitstek een studie waar je de opgedane kennis in de praktijk brengt. Nog steeds pluk ik dagelijks de vruchten van de basis die is gelegd op de Erasmus Universiteit. Vooral de btw- en overdrachtsbelasting colleges vond ik leuk en leerzaam. Maar ook het interpreteren van jaarrekeningen en journaalposten doe ik vrijwel dagelijks”.

Geestige btw-colleges

Het schrijven van zijn masterscriptie en de interessante en geestige btw-colleges zijn Jelle het meeste bijgebleven. Vooral door die collegecyclus is Jelle zich gaan oriënteren op btw.

De werkcolleges vond Jelle het meest uitdagend. “Voor de werkcolleges deed je veel literatuuronderzoek. Je kreeg een cijfer voor het actief deelnemen aan een discussie, een paper en voor het voorbereiden van een presentatie, waarop andere studenten commentaar leverden. Dit riep regelmatig pittige vaktechnische discussies op”!

Advies aan toekomstige studenten

“Ik wil graag aan studenten meegeven dat ze goed moeten nadenken over de richting die ze op willen. Dit kan uitstekend door het volgen van een werkstudentschap. Op deze manier krijg je een goed beeld van de praktijk en ontdek je waar je voorkeur ligt, zoals directe of indirecte belastingen, werken voor een groot of klein kantoor. Ook de middelgrote kantoren zijn vandaag de dag op zoek naar indirect tax specialisten”, zegt Jelle.

Bij het advies geven over btw-vraagstukken is bij uitstek sprake van een combinatie van economie en recht. Om een juridische beoordeling te doen, moet je veelal eerst weten hoe het businessmodel van de onderneming werkt. Neem bijvoorbeeld het hele productieproces van grondstof tot levering aan klanten. Vaak heb je te maken met (bedrijfs)economen die bij de klant werkzaam zijn en die kennis hebben van de bedrijfsprocessen. Daarbij komt een economische achtergrond goed van pas. Daarna volgt de juridische analyse voor de btw”, legt Jelle uit.

Jelle sluit af met het volgende advies voor toekomstige studenten: “Wanneer je de combinatie van recht en economie leuk vindt, zou ik de indirecte master van Fiscale Economie serieus overwegen.

Mocht je twijfelen tussen indirect of direct, doe dan een werkstudentschap indirect tax in de laatste fase van je bachelor. Dan kun je erachter komen of het bevalt. Dit heb ik zelf (zonder studievertraging) ook kunnen doen omdat het curriculum die ruimte bood. De echte diehards kunnen natuurlijk ook voor de combinatie van beide masters gaan”! 

Achieving success through hard work and a realistic approach

Pavle Beslic - Pavle Beslic (1985) studied Economics at Erasmus School of Economics. He obtained a Master’s Degree in Accounting, Auditing & Control.

Read, learn, think in scale and take your time
Read, learn, think in scale and take your time

In the central hall of the office of Staffyou one object stands out: a gong. ‘We ring it every time we land a client’, founder and CEO Pavle Beslic clarifies. Does the gong ring often enough? ‘Never enough!’, he says, with a generous smile. The location of the office is impressive: it is situated in the Maastoren on the 33rd floor, a couple of floors above Beslic’s former employer Deloitte, with spectacular views on the Erasmus Bridge and beyond. 

Staffyou is a digital temporary agency platform that matches temps and employers through smart algorithms. The location matches the success of the company: in a couple of years Staffyou became a million-dollar business that is active in both the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

How did you come up with the idea of Staffyou? 

Around 2008 I was working as a student for a temp agency myself. I noticed that a lot of colleagues turned up late or were high. I had started a small business before and thought: I can do this too. I addressed the client on the spot, who replied: ‘Well, this is going so bad… If you turn up next Saturday with eight employees, you will be my new supplier.’ I succeeded and started my new business. It was typical for me: seeing opportunities everywhere, without being limited by any expertise. That also meant that I made all the mistakes you can make. I failed to arrange essential things, like taking care of the right acquisition and credit control. My client started paying later and later, and then the financial crisis happened. I could not get a loan and my client went bankrupt. It made me take a different approach. I finished my studies and started working as an accountant, aiming to move up on the corporate ladder that way. After a couple of years, I saw the opportunity to work for myself and eventually to also start my own business again. From the mistakes I made when I was younger, I learned to really take the time to develop a proper idea first. That idea turned out to be the digitalisation of the temp agency. When I was a student, the workflow of these agencies was very cumbersome: there were no smartphones yet, you always had to call people and email directions. I realised that the sector had not changed that much ever since. Why not digitalise your workflow, since we already do everything else online as well? At first, employers were hesitant when I pitched this idea to them. They preferred to call their temps and were not very keen on working with reviews of employees. But I was still convinced of all the advantages of digitalisation and was determined.

Rick Keus fotografie

Determination is key if you are an entrepreneur. When you fully believe in your idea, people tend to give you the benefit of the doubt. Timing is essential as well. There were some people thinking of the same concept a couple of years before, but that was too soon. Think of online shopping – nobody would consider that a couple of years ago, nowadays it is completely normal.

What makes Staffyou unique?

Our product is innovative. I call it the ‘TikTokifiation of work’. If you scroll through TikTok a couple of times, the app ‘learns’ what you like. We also use algorithms to predict who will work where successfully. A straightforward example is a warning when someone accepts ten jobs at a time at 03:00 AM. In that case it might be a good idea to call that person the next day to check in. Another example is a successful match between a temp and a client that may predict a successful match with a comparable client. You see a similar process at Netflix or in retail: ‘since you watched/bought this, you might be interested in watching/buying this as well’.

The way this company was built, stands out as well. I invested a lot of my own money in the first years. After three years an investor joined me, for a reasonable price. We spend ten times less than most other digitally innovative companies, which makes us financially healthy and less vulnerable to trends like rising interests. Of course it was a risk to invest so much, and I had to put things like buying a house or going on holidays on hold. But now I am a majority stakeholder and Staffyou still really is my company.

Rick Keus fotografie

Is there a certain road map to a successful enterprise?

It really depends. If you have a brilliant idea and you are the first one to think of this, you should get started immediately. That is an exception though. There will always be ideas. The question is whether you will be the one to successfully carry it out. According to several studies, one of the traits that very successful entrepreneurs have in common is that they are in their thirties or forties. They gained experience first and learned from others. Of course, you can take Facebook founder Zuckerberg as an example. But then ask yourself: are you attending Harvard? Are your parents wealthy? What are the odds that someone invests 10 million in your idea? And that you will find the most talented developers to work for you? Chances are already small that your business will be successful, so you better be prepared. Through working as an accountant for Deloitte, I learned a lot about how the industry works: how to dress, how to approach clients, how to measure things, how to take the lead.

Besides knowledge, perseverance, and timing there is one more quintessential aspect: make sure that your idea is scalable. You cannot add scale afterwards. When I ran my temp business as a student, I was always present as a team manager on the spot. That made it different from other agencies and contributed to the initial success, but was in no way suitable to scale up. So always think ahead: what makes your business stand out and how will you expand it? Or decide beforehand that you want to go for a small business. If you have the potential of a small business but aim for a big one, that is where things go wrong.

Did you learn things during your studies that are still helpful now? 

In retrospect, definitely. When you are a student, a topic like financial accounting is quite abstract. But when I started to expand my business, I recognised the theory behind what was happening and knew what sources to consult to refresh my knowledge.

Are there also topics that you wished you learned more about when you were a student? 

Yes. Communication would be on top of the list. Of course you study languages and you write a thesis. But I am talking basic communication: how to communicate, how to read people and how to interact with different types of people. It will be a huge part of everything you will do after graduation. Another theme would be certain financial knowledge: what taxes entail, how capital works and how to raise money. I would recommend students to read books from successful entrepreneurs who share their experiences. For example, I learned a lot from Zero to One by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters, the biography of Elon Musk and Amp it up by Frank Slootman – an alumnus from Erasmus. But besides that and focusing on your studies, I think it is also important to do something else that you are passionate about. That can be sports or something creative, as long as it is something that you can completely dive into and that helps you take your mind off other things.

When you were young, your family experienced hardships because of the war. Does that play a role in how driven and motivated you are? 

After being born in Rotterdam, my parents and I moved to then Yugoslavia. After four or five years we left because the war was coming. The economy was turning bad slowly and you could predict it was going bad. My parents sold everything to start a new life in their motherland. When that life fell apart, they lost everything. I realised that things did not work out as we hoped. Being back here, I had the feeling that I stood behind and that I had to make up for something. It felt like I had something to prove. That was definitely a drive to achieve things.

I have always stayed in Rotterdam since. It is the place I know best, where I know everyone. I have an emotional connection with the city. When we were in the middle of upscaling, I bought a small boat. When I was under a lot of pressure, I went speedboating across the Maas to wind down. It also created head space for new ideas. 

I would have liked to live abroad for a year, but that never happened. That is something I regret: I should have had a little bit more fun before I fully took on my entrepreneurship. I underestimated how intensive and time consuming it is. I just started and once you have, you cannot step out that easily. So I would advise future entrepreneurs to think it through beforehand and make a conscious choice. Also: know that everything is possible. I also started in a paid employment situation without a lot of connections. But, and I cannot stress this enough, be realistic at the same time. Not everything can be an instant hit. Do not listen to influencer coaches who promise you golden mountains with minimal effort. If your attempts keep ending up in failure, you will risk giving up your dream. Read, learn, think in scale and take your time. When you will eventually come up with the winning idea, you have made it.

More information

Pavle Beslic (1985) studied Economics at Erasmus School of Economics. He obtained a Master’s Degree in Accounting, Auditing & Control. After his studies he first worked as an auditor at Deloitte, and later as an accountant on a freelance basis. In 2016 he made his first turnover with his company Staffyou.

This item is part of Backbone Magazine 2023. Backbone magazine is the corporate magazine of Erasmus School of Economics. A digital copy can be found here.

Alumna Irene Odile de Vries

Irene Odile de Vries - Former student Master International Economics

Now that I am teaching, I do understand better why it is difficult to offer such a comprehensive approach
Now that I am teaching, I do understand better why it is difficult to offer such a comprehensive approach

Irene Odile de Vries had lived on four continents before coming to Erasmus School of Economics. She enrolled in a premaster course and the master’s in international economics because she wanted to understand the countries she had lived in. Gradually she came to realise that connections between economics and other disciplines are often overlooked. It motivated her to surmount several challenges to get to where she is now: an economics teacher with a wide following because of the innovative ideas she presents.


You arrived at Erasmus School of Economics in a roundabout way. Can you tell us how?

I obtained the International Baccalaureate in Malaysia and Australia where my family lived as expats. After graduating High School in Kuala Lumpur, I did not fancy going back to the Netherlands by myself, so I studied Psychology and Business Administration on the Malaysian campus of Monash, an Australian university. After six months, I continued on their Melbourne campus where I completed my studies in Business Administration. Looking for work experience, I moved to the Netherlands and subsequently New York to do jobs in event management. There is always a lot going on in New York City so after two years I left because I was tired and wanted to enjoy some travelling. When I started working in the Netherlands again, I went back to event management, but it soon felt like more of the same. Recently, I was diagnosed with ADHD, which helps me to understand why I dislike repetitiveness, and enjoy moving and changing jobs every couple of years. Knowing I have ADHD does not make it go away, but it does make my life a bit easier. The diagnosis helped me to see what my biggest challenges are, how to tackle them and forgive myself when I get stuck.

'The most surprising outcome of the premaster is probably that I now actually enjoy maths!'

In search of the next step in my career, I was reading a lot of books such as Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth and a Dutch book that shows how market forces have come to determine everything from housing and labour to democracy and even love. When I attended a presentation by its author, Koen Haegens, I met people from a group called Rethinking Economics. This organisation, which is also very active in Rotterdam, is part of an international network of students and recent graduates that aims to build better economics education with the support of academic allies. These conversations, in combination with the books and my travels, inspired me to study economics. With an Australian Bachelor in Business Administration you cannot simply enter a Master’s programme in Economics so I enrolled in the premaster at Erasmus School of Economics. I chose this university because Rotterdam seemed like a nice city (which turned out to be very true). The premaster was certainly necessary for me because I lacked a foundation in mathematics, microeconomics and macroeconomics. The maths was particularly challenging initially, but thanks to other students I mastered concepts such as integrating and differentiating quickly. The most surprising outcome of the premaster is probably that I now actually enjoy maths!

Erasmus School of Economics

Why did you choose the Master in International Economics?

I had lived an international life and considered doing so in the future as well. The idea was that this degree would help me compare the places where I had lived so far. Why are some countries more developed than others? Why is the inequality in the US so much higher than in the other countries where I have lived? My study in international economics showed me where I have to look to answer these questions, while providing me with tools to analyse such information. What I missed, in my time at Erasmus School of Economics, was a comprehensive approach that takes into account how different disciplines are interwoven and how various economists approached the large issues of their time. Economic theories are the product of human thinking and, to a large extent, they are shaped by the assumptions and hypotheses used to formulate them. I believe it needs to be made very clear that economic theory is thus influenced by politics and idealism, and the broader historical context. Prospective students might be glad to hear that Erasmus School of Economics has recently expanded teaching on the ethics of methodologies and more perspectives are now included in the subject History of Economic Thought. I was happy with the structure of the course, which meant that the study was compartmentalised in several blocks, but writing a thesis was very hard for me. I now know that I need to engage in something new regularly. In-depth research, writing and rereading is very difficult for someone with my form of ADHD. I eventually managed to complete the process with the help of my friends.

'The debate behind every economic policy is a fascinating power struggle'

How has your view on economics influenced your career?

Upon graduating, I had various jobs in event management and journalism until I had a burnout. Looking back, I think this was partly due to a lack of boundaries between work and my private life. When I came back to work, I had a few talks with a career coach. During these sessions it became clear that editing opinion pieces for a newspaper, in which you have to work on long essays and stay on top of the news constantly, was not the right job for me. As a child I wanted to become a music teacher and during my master’s degree I enjoyed the classes so much that I could actually see myself teaching economics at some point in the future. This all came back to me when I was considering a career switch. A friend alerted me to an opening at a school in my neighbourhood and within no time I was standing in front of a class of exam students. I am studying part-time for a qualification as teacher at the highest level. In the Netherlands, you can use the knowledge gained at university to start teaching at this level immediately on the understanding that you will obtain the necessary diploma within three years. Part of my course is professional didactics, which I engage with enthusiastically. As a new teacher you bring your own external ideas and experiences to the field. I am actually surprised that there is no mandatory continuing education for high school teachers, something you see in many other professions.

What would you like to change in secondary education?

One of the reasons economics is interesting is that it can be applied in so many fields. The debate behind every economic policy is a fascinating power struggle. This is a subject that lends itself to examinations in the form of papers or discussions, not maths and multiple-choice questions. Now that I am teaching, I do understand better why it is difficult to offer such a comprehensive approach. Moreover, connecting with colleagues that teach a different subject and offer lessons that show how everything is linked, is proving difficult, even at a school where we are all in the same building.

I am critical of the emphasis on concepts such as GDP and sums in which there is no room for what is lacking in its calculation. There are opportunities to teach students about the boundaries to growth for example, but these remain fairly limited. The teaching methods tend to focus on giving the students enough practice with the mathematical side of the subject.

I would prefer an approach that shows students how economic concepts help us understand the way our world works. The required content of the curriculum is determined every four years, which makes it very difficult to include phenomena that are taking place in today’s society. I try to deal with this by inviting a guest speaker occasionally and following the news with my classes. When I read a newspaper article, I can see clearly the economic concepts that relate to each story and how to use it as an example in lessons. In my enthusiasm, it can be difficult to balance these real-world examples with explaining the theory and solutions to tricky questions. It was very reassuring to hear a student in the exam year say that the class discussion of news items helped them to understand the topic and see the practical use of economics lessons.

When I am not teaching or studying, I am also part of a team called Our New Economy. We advocate for better economics education at all levels and produce teaching materials that pay more attention to such things as sustainability and the balance of power on the labour market. I also publish ideas for economics teaching on LinkedIn and in a professional magazine for teachers, TEO. For example when Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, I created and shared teaching materials, and wrote about the opportunity to use this as an illustration of game theory or the prisoners’ dilemma. Perhaps it is even more important that future generations understand the consequences of their actions during an unfolding bank run than whether or not they are capable of doing their sums correctly.

Michaëla van Velthuizen

Michaëla van Velthuizen - MSc Accounting, Auditing and Control (Audit track)

Curiosity, discipline and a good work ethic, combining these will make you a good fit for just any programme at Erasmus School of Economics.
Erasmus School of Economics alumna smiling at the camera
Curiosity, discipline and a good work ethic, combining these will make you a good fit for just any programme at Erasmus School of Economics.


During my bachelor I’d followed several types of courses. Of all these courses the accounting, analytical and finance courses interested me the most. Based on these topics I narrowed down the wide range of MSc programmes available and have visited the accounting, auditing and control, financial economics and Strategy Economics master programmes during an Open Day. Based on the presentations and interactions during these days, and additional information obtained I felt like this MSc programme would fit me best. The Audit track would therein provide me both knowledge on the academics around accounting, financial accounting as well as auditing. 

Why did you (at the time) choose for Erasmus School of Economics?

I initially choose Erasmus School of Economics at the moment of my decision for a BSc programme. The main factor for me at this moment was “where do I feel home”. I visited Erasmus University Rotterdam since it was highly ranked, and at the time of my visit immediately liked the city of Rotterdam. I already knew I was going to follow a BSc at the Economic faculty, so with my choice for the city of Rotterdam, and thus the highly ranked Erasmus University, Erasmus School of Economics was the result. 

What is your current job and what does it entail?

I work as a Junior Manager in the Audit Department at Deloitte. My client portfolio consists of International, listed and American listed companies. Auditing them means that we perform procedures to test managements assertions on their financial information, such as a financial statements or an quarterly earnings release. Furthermore I investigate the business processes within the organisation to get an understanding of how transactions flow through the organisation. Based on investigating their internal control we can assess whether there might be any flaws in their processes or controls, and whether these could lead to additional risks. Auditing is teamwork, hence for each client I work for there is a separate team. Next to teamwork being fun and educational, it also gives room to grow and take on more complex topics over the years and to grow to a project leader. Therewith you also work on your communication and people skills. These are also highly trained through interactions that you have with your clients.

"The basic theory from the courses taught during my Masters, I still use on a daily basis."

In what way do you use the skills and knowledge obtained during your bachelor and/or master in your professional life? 

The BSc programme has provided me with basic knowledge of economics and business economics, analytics and problem solving. The most direct link I can find between my day to day work and the BSc programme would be theory from the Financial Accounting courses. In the MSc programme I got more theoretical background on what auditing entails, on IFRS rules and on process management and internal control. The basic theory from the courses as taught during my Masters, I still use on a daily basis.



Erasmus School of Economics alumna smiling at the camera

Jitte Dingenouts

Jitte Dingenouts - Specialisation in Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing

Favourite memory of Rotterdam? It is difficult to pick one!
Alumnus Jitte Dingenouts smiling with a closed smile
Favourite memory of Rotterdam? It is difficult to pick one!

I enjoyed Econometrics and wanted to continue with it. Also, I liked the fact that with this MSc programme offered the possibility to choose a specialization within the field of Econometrics. I chose the Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing specialization because it focused on machine learning and big data: two very popular topics at the moment.

What is your current job (and what have you been doing before) and what does it entail?

After doing some internships and working student positions within Data Science at Pipple and bol.com, I am now working as a Data Scientist at IG&H. I am both a consultant and Data Scientist and therefore my job consists of two parts. One part of my job is more consulting related for which I work together with sector consultants from IG&H. For example, we try to figure out what the problem of the client really entails and present the chosen solution to the client. During the project we also have multiple check-ins with the client to ensure that we are on the right path. The other part of my job is data science related. For example, data cleaning, building mathematical/machine learning models and implementing the solution at the client.

Erasmus bridge

What is your favourite memory from your time in Rotterdam?

It is difficult to pick one! Some of my favourite memories include my exchange to Yogyakarta, Indonesia and my full-time board year at FAECTOR.

What advice would you give to potential students?

Find a programme that you find interesting, go to Open Days to get a better idea of the vibe at the university and choose the university and programme that feel right. Besides that, be open to different extracurricular and social activities. You can meet your best friends there and learn a lot about yourself doing those activities. And of course, it is a lot of fun participating in those activities!

Don’t worry if you are not sure yet what kind of job you would like to do. I didn’t know at all what kind of job I wanted to do when I started studying Econometrics. During your studies, you will have enough opportunities to meet companies and do internships to find out what it is that you like to do.

Alumnus Jitte Dingenouts smiling with a closed smile

Catalina Trohin

Catalina Trohin - International Bachelor in Economics and Business Economics

I got to make great friendships with people from everywhere around the world
Catalina Trohin looking at the camera
I got to make great friendships with people from everywhere around the world

I enjoyed mathematics as a subject in school and was curious to learn more about topics like economics, finance and accounting. I wanted to study in English among international students and this BSc programme seemed a great fit.

Why did you (at the time) choose for Erasmus School of Economics?

Besides the worldwide academic reputation Erasmus School of Economics has, I found all programmes offered by Erasmus School of Economics to be very well structured, with fundamental courses in the first two years and plenty of flexibility in the last year where you could choose between various majors as well as internships and exchanges. Rotterdam seemed like a great option because of the city vibes and all the cultural, social and recreational facilities the city offers.


Students walking on campus with a bike

What did you like most about the bachelor programme?

The thing I liked the most about the bachelor were the fellow students I met. IBEB being such an international program, I got to make great friendships with people from everywhere around the world.

What is your current job (and what have you been doing before) and what does it entail?

I currently work as a Data Analytics Engineer for a fintech based in London. My job is to provide clean and reliable data sets to end users and empower them to answer their own questions. That means ensuring the data is ingested, transformed, scheduled, and ready for analytics. The finance and accounting courses during my studies proved to be useful while working in a payments company. Also, the multiple group projects during my bachelor improved my teamwork and communication skills. 

What advice would you give to potential students?

You may feel lost, not have a clue of what’s going on or even suffer from the imposter syndrome at the beginning. You are certainly not alone in feeling that, and as you advance in your studies you will get to enjoy it more and will feel at ease.  

Catalina Trohin looking at the camera

Wolter Brinks

W. Brinks - Alumnus of Societas Studiosorum Reformatorum Roterodamensis (SSR)

We represented a broken generation. In sociological terms, we were a hiccup in the curve. But for many of us, the University and the association formed a solid foundation for a successful life.
We represented a broken generation. In sociological terms, we were a hiccup in the curve. But for many of us, the University and the association formed a solid foundation for a successful life.

Interviewed by Charles Hermans, 7 September 2010

“Of course, we were a bit naughty, weren’t we…” Wolter Brinks is a prominent alumnus of Societas Studiosorum Reformatorum Roterodamensis (SSR). Born in Haarlem in 1946, Wolter grew up in Bennekom, where he went through at least three secondary schools and ran into ‘enormous’ trouble – not in the last place with his parents.

An Economics degree seemed to offer good prospects. But to be honest, he couldn’t really say. While Wolter didn’t have any examples in his own family, a number of his friends decided to enrol in that programme. They were all going to Amsterdam, but Wolter’s parents wouldn’t allow for that. In their eyes, the Dutch capital was a den of sin; Rotterdam was a more serious place altogether. And since Father was paying for it, he got to decide – meaning that in 1965, Wolter left for Rotterdam. He had only visited the city once before, for the opening of the Euromast during the E55 exhibition. The typical Rotterdam atmosphere felt in the air on that occasion has drawn Wolter ever since.

He comes from a business background. His father worked as a sales representative in building materials. As was so often the case with people of his generation, there was a generation gap between Wolter and his parents. In the post-war years, the Netherlands busied itself with rebuilding, which involved a great amount of physical labour. And it was precisely around 1965 that most of this work had been rounded off. Countless members of the younger generation chose a different path than their parents: they saw new horizons and went off to study. In many families, parents and children ultimately lived in two different spheres, worlds in which they did not understand each other. In Wolter’s experience, he too could never talk about matters that interested him when he visited his parents back home. The world of construction materials and economics proved to have little in common. While this frustrated him, he did find support among his fellow students, and these years led to some very close friendships.

It took many years until he started sharing affinities with the older generation. But ultimately, Wolter himself also ended up in the world of real estate, the port and transport, as well as developing a love for old cars. Incidentally, as he remembers it, Wolter was the only driver besides Professor Slagter on Pieter de Hoochweg. Professor Wiek Slagter had a green Spitfire, and Wolter had a green 2CV delivery van. He had bought the vehicle for 150 guilders.

We are talking in a restaurant directly on the Nieuwe Waterweg in Vlaardingen, which had been built at the time with money from the Marshall Plan. We look out on massive ships gliding in and out of the port; the area thrives with activity. Wolter is clearly in his element.

He remembers the Business Economics programme as being strict, with demanding subjects. You weren’t allowed to make many decisions for yourself, but nevertheless, what he learned in Rotterdam came in very handy later on when he started working. According to Wolter, Rotterdam was different to Amsterdam and Tilburg, in that you acquired a lot of knowledge. In his mind, there was a strict divide between academia and student life: the University was over there; we, the students, were here. They rarely visited the professors at home. But he does remember the sitting rooms of Professors Slagter, Kuhlmeijer and Diepenhorst.

The four Sons of Odin on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Rotterdamsch Dispuut Wodan in 1975: economists Luit de Haas, Pieter de Nooy, Wolter Brinks and Rolf de Folter. Wolter: "This is exactly how we’d do it today – because we haven’t changed in that respect.”

They also regularly attended lectures on Saturday morning: as an exception, they were allowed to wear a sweater instead of a sports jacket.

After graduating in 1972, he was actually expected to do something “respectable” with his life, but since he “had time enough” and had earned the necessary exemptions for Law, he decided to read Law in addition to doing consultancy work, which trickled in from time to time. Fellow students in his year went off to “fancy” jobs at big companies like DAF, regularly travelling abroad on business, but Wolter never actually became a company man. When after a few years, he organised a joint event for his clients, this was tremendously appreciated. The button factory, car dealer, jewellery factory all turned out to run up against the same issues. They enjoyed meeting one another. And thus was born Wolter’s idea to set up a convention bureau. After Wolter sold this flourishing enterprise in 1990, it didn’t take long before he started a new company – not far from his old firm – with a slightly different focus.

However, he never forgot his time as a student. Even after 45 years. And this is mainly thanks to SSR, which he joined right at the start of his studies, together with around 100 other first-year students. He served as the president of his year, and became a member of the Rotterdam debating society Wodan. While they intended to go to Paris in 1968, they never made it due to a few too many drams. He doesn’t regret it. After graduating, he remained an active member of SSR’s alumnus association Maurits. He recently stepped down as board member of the Club van 100, who provide SSR with financial support. He does still sit on the board of the new Geurts Rietberg Fund, however, which matches the funds raised by the Club van 100 for SSR’s anniversary celebrations in 2018. But first, the association has to focus on its 95th anniversary in 2013, which coincides with the centenary of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), by the way. And in the meantime, he remains in close touch with his friends in the investment club ‘t Stockpaert. This club, which was co-founded by Jan Knol, currently has 55 active Maurits members. For 40 years already, they have been meeting four times a year for excursions, meetings and social events with their partners. But ultimately, the groundwork for the high returns enjoyed by this group of friends was laid at SSR and EUR.

He enjoys sailing on the Zeeland waters with his partner Helma and their daughter Iris. One of the sails of their yacht proudly displays Captain Haddock, one of the protagonists of The Adventures of Tintin. His years as an Economics student in Rotterdam have played a key role in his life, and given a chance, he would choose exactly the same programme. He still regularly meets members of the current generation of students. Asked which advice he would give them, Wolter says: “Don’t hesitate to become an entrepreneur if you have the opportunity!”

Wolter Brinks passed away on the 10th of September 2021. We, at Erasmus School of Economics, will miss him dearly.

Pieter Van Zuuren

P. van Zuuren - The oldest alumnus of ESE and the Erasmus Alumni Vereniging (EAV)

From a posting to Santander thanks to the A.A. van Beek Fund, via lecture summaries, ‘thee and thouing’ fellow alumni to – after an interesting, fruitful life – becoming Erasmus School of Economics' oldest alumnus!
From a posting to Santander thanks to the A.A. van Beek Fund, via lecture summaries, ‘thee and thouing’ fellow alumni to – after an interesting, fruitful life – becoming Erasmus School of Economics' oldest alumnus!

Interviewed by Charles Hermans, 6 November 2009

Although Frits Visser (Economics 1948) frequently makes quite an impact when he attends our meetings, we would first like to hand the floor to the oldest alumnus of ESE and the Erasmus Alumni Vereniging (EAV):the late Mr Pieter van Zuuren. He was born on 27 December – “the day after Boxing Day” – in 1913, the founding year of our university. We are proud to have been welcoming him to the EAV’s meetings for 70 years (no less) – lately in the greatly-appreciated company of Pieter Heykoop, the son of his fellow year student, the late Willy Heykoop.

After passing his final HBS B exams in Rotterdam, where he excelled in History and Geography, Pieter went to talk with the personnel manager of the Holland America Line about a job at a travel agency specialised in sea voyages. It was a most enjoyable conversation until the point where the personnel manager told him that for the first three years “any kind of pay was out of the question”. It was 1933! A rude awakening.

Friends from the HBS told him about the Economics programme at the Nederlandsche Handels-Hoogeschool on Pieter de Hoochweg in Rotterdam. He decided to do his ‘kandidaats’ examination there. After completing this phase of the programme, Van Zuuren worked for a ship’s agent, but a leopard can’t change its spots, which is why shortly after, he could be found working at Santander for two months with a grant of 250 guilders from the A.A. van Beek Fund. That was quite an experience. Among other things, he once redeemed an entire ship. During the weekend, he piloted slender little sailing boats with other young people in the Bay of Santander. Boys and girls threw flowers at each other as a gesture of appreciation: echar flores. They called him Pedro. Unfortunately, he had to leave when the Spanish Civil War broke out. Back in the Netherlands, the poor situation in the employment market led him to decide to pursue his doctorate after all. This decision gave him an opportunity to attend Professor Tinbergen’s very first lectures. And that’s how in early 1940, he obtained his doctorate at what, by now, was known as the Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool (NEH).

During the war years, he served as Secretary of Stichting tot behartiging van de belangen van de door de oorlog getroffen bedrijven (foundation for the protection of the interests of war-affected companies). He found it difficult to adapt to the customs of the business community: “If you didn’t argue your point on every occasion, you couldn’t get anywhere.” This was followed by a variety of jobs, during which he benefited a great deal from the skills acquired during his time as a student. For example, he was an active member of RSG: the Rotterdamsch Studenten Gezelschap. He made a lot of friends there, and learned a great deal from his fellow students. Pieter was not only a member of the Eloquence debating society, but also served as Editor-in-Chief of the RSG publication Skald. His writing skills came in handy when he was required to make lecture summaries, known as excerperen in Dutch. He took notes during lectures, mainly for members of the Rotterdamsch Studenten Corps – who liked to sleep in at the time.

Pieter married and had two children. His hobbies were swimming, cycling and 60-km walks from Rotterdam via Schoonhoven and de Vlist back to Gouda and Rotterdam were by no means exceptional. Later on, he spent many years working for the Nederlands Instituut voor Efficiency, ultimately retiring at the age of 65 in 1978 as an adviser at the Veiligheidsinstituut in Amsterdam, a pioneering centre that informed the public about safety in and around the home.

After his retirement, his knowledge of languages and love of writing meant that he continued to ‘work’ until 1998. He was particularly interested in the inland shipping sector. He was appointed an honorary member of Scheepvaartkring Rotterdam, which he himself helped found, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. In gratitude, he wrote a booklet about this circle, entitled Strength through Discussion.

Looking back on his student years, he recognises it as a special phase in his life. The broad education provided by the Economics programme in Rotterdam served him very well in his later work: it meant he could be deployed in a wide range of capacities and was well-rounded. His membership of the EAV is in line with this versatility. Incidentally, Pieter confirms that as a rule, alumni ‘thee and thou’ each other: known as tutoiement in Dutch. As he puts it, the meetings are often “friendly, convivial occasions”.

Still, he’s not sure whether he would choose Rotterdam if he were to enrol in an Economics programme again: he would have to examine his options, but there’s a good chance it would be Rotterdam. His advice to the current crop of students is to definitely do other things besides their studies. It’s very useful. In the meantime, Pieter is already looking forward to his next EAV meeting.

Charles Hermans

A lot of things are still the same. What struck me most during my interview with Pieter van Zuuren on 11 January 2010:

  • When Pieter was a student, the Hoogeschool had 12 professors; today, the University employs just under 400 professors.
  • As he remembers it, the share of female students was 10% at most!
  • Around 150 of the some 300 first-year students passed their ‘kandidaats’ examination. Of their number, 50 subsequently pursued their doctorate, and 90% of the 50 students who continued their studies made the finish line. This means that 45 students out of an original intake of 300 ultimately obtained their doctorate. Both the ‘kandidaats’ stage and the doctoral programme that followed lasted approximately two to three years. In other words, quite a few people dropped out in the old days too. And today, most of the students in the master programme also obtain their degree. In addition, at first glance the ‘kandidaats’ and the bachelor programme are strikingly similar: at the time, the ‘kandidaats’ diploma was already seen as a valuable piece of paper.
  • The University already offered an interesting mix of characters in Pieter’s day. You could not only find numerous students from both the region and the Netherlands as a whole, but also quite a few ‘foreign’ students. Up to 15% in his estimate – most of them from the Dutch East Indies. For example, Pieter was friends with Sumitro Djojo Hadikusumo, the later Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. As well as the ethnic Chinese Tjoe Bian An, known informally as An, and Tenku Mamud Hanafia from Aceh. They found it interesting to join Pieter on his visits to his parents. This way, they could see what Dutch homes looked like on the inside.
  • In response to the economic crisis of the 1930s, Pieter decided to quit looking for a job and continue his studies. This is a move we still see people making today.
  • Pieter had heard about the Economics programme in Rotterdam from friends in secondary school. In other words, word of mouth was as important then as it is today. Erasmus School of Economics will need to keep making an all-out effort!
  • With his lecture summaries that he offered for sale, Pieter was an early example of a student working his way through university.
  • Pieter’s horizons were broadened by his posting with the support of the A.A. van Beek Fund. This situation is the same to this day! 

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