Young Alumni Tapas Night 2022

On Friday 28 October 2022, Erasmus School of Economics Alumni Affairs organised the annual young Alumni Tapas night at Proeflokaal Lokanta located in Rotterdam-Kralingen. Last year it was cancelled due to the lockdown. With 110 young alumni, the restaurant was completely full, but fortunately the weather was beautiful and there was plenty of room to sit outside on the terrace. 

The evening was perfect for catching up with old classmates and enjoying tapas and drinks together. It was also a great opportunity to connect with fellow alumni and exchange stories about their student life and future plans. 

It was a great honour for us to receive all these former students. It is nice to see that Erasmus School of Economics continues to act as a connector between our alumni. 

Moreover, many of our young alumni will even participate in the upcoming MentorMe programme. 

Erasmus School of Economics Alumni Affairs would like to thank all the people who attended and made it an unforgettable night.

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