Women from Erasmus School of Economics nominated for the VIVA400 awards

Erasmus School of Economics

This week, the nominees of the VIVA400 awards have been announced. The VIVA400 is a list with 400 inspiring women which excel in their field of expertise and which are nominated because of their achievements. Did you know that a few of the nominated women are affiliated with Erasmus School of Economics? Assistant Professor Sophie van der Zee has been nominated for the category 'knappe koppen' (smart brains), UN-Youth representative Emma Clemens has been nominated for the category 'wereldverbeteraars' (world improvers) and co-founder of Closure Graciëlla van Hamersveld has been nominated for the category 'techtalenten' (techtalents) . You can vote for them until 6 November!  


Assistant Professor Sophie van der Zee (Erasmus School of Economics)

Assistant Professor Sophie van der Zee has developed a new method to distuinguish lies from the truth. Her computermodel can say with an accuracy of 82% whether a person is lying or is speaking the truth. This automatic lie detection can be deployed, for example, at customs. Furthermore, Sophie van der Zee received the Police & Science grant at the beginning of the year  to investigate why victims of cybercriminality do not tend to report their crimes to the police and what measures could be used to change their behaviour.


Emma Clemens (UN-Youth representative for sustainable development)

Emma is a UN-Youth representative for Sustainable Development. She has the task to collect all the ideas of young people about sustainable development and to draw the attention to these ideas at the UN. For example, Emma is committed to giving more attention to sustainability in lessons at school. Emma herself also gives guest lectures about sustainability-related themes on schools throughout the Netherlands.


Graciëlla van Hamersveld (co-founder of Closure)


Graciëlla is an almost-graduated master student in Econometrics & Management Science, with a specialisation in Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing, at Erasmus School of Economics (Graciëlla will defend her thesis on 16 October). Moreover, Graciëlla is the co-founder of the startup Closure. This company provides support to relatives in the process of ending or altering digital legacy (that what the deceased has left behind on the internet), once their loved one has passed away. Earlier this year, Graciëlla has won the Philips Innovation Award with her company Closure.


Are you affiliated with Erasmus School of Economics and nominated as well? Please let us know by sending an email to communications@ese.eur.nl !

More information

To find all nominees and vote for them, click on this link.

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