Women in Business EFR

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Women in Business picture

On the 27 February, the Women in Business Conference took place at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. This event was hosted and organised by the Economic Faculty Association Rotterdam (EFR).

At this event, the Keynote speaker was an Erasmus School of Economics Alumni Carla Smits-Nusteling, she is the Former CFO of KPN and board member of ASML and currently Chair of the Tele2 Group and board member of Nokia and Allegro. Smits-Nusteling gave the students three golden tips: the importance of making an impact, creating your own context, and surrounding yourself with the best people.

Following this inspiring speech, a lunch took place, this is where different female Eramus School of Economics Alumni joined such as Edith Siermann, Astrid Manden-Benneker, Bernou Boermann and Jeanine Wolthuis. These successful and powerful women had discussions with the students during lunch alongside recruiters from different companies and other successful women. After the lunch, the recruiters from KPMG, Deloitte, OC&C and KLM gave workshops to all the female attendees.

Finally, at the end of the day, EFR hosted networking drinks by Gebrouwen door Vrouwen, where everyone could socialise after a long day. Overall, this event was a success, and we hope to see more female alumni there next year! 

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