Willem Molle presents his book about the professional magazine in the transition of Dutch society

illem Molle presents his book about the professional magazine in the transition of Dutch society
fLTR: Philip Hans Franses, Willem Molle and Otto Swank

During a launch at Erasmus School of Economics on Wednesday 16 March, Department Director Prof. Otto Swank and former dean Prof. Philip Hans Franses have received a signed copy of the book (in Dutch), titled “Het professionele tijdschrift in de transitie van de Nederlandse maatschappij, 1850-2020”, from the hands of the author Emeritus Professor Willem Molle.

The book describes how editors and publishers of professional journals have tried to fulfil their role as information brokers. It also shows how they have continuously adapted their product to the increasing demands of readers in terms of accessibility and design. Attention is also paid to the way in which they have always fulfilled the economic conditions to ensure the continuity of their work. Without these professional magazines, the Netherlands would not have become what it is today.

Dutch society has undergone a profound transition in the past century and a half. The results of the rapid development of science and technology have permeated all sectors of society. This development was only possible through the efforts of professionals with a solid scientific background. They not only needed a scientific background, but also had to be continuously fed with information from science and practice during their professional career to keep up with the ongoing developments and help shape them.

Author Willem Molle is Professor Emeritus at Erasmus School of Economics, with a focus on European and global integration. He was Chairman of the Executive Board of Ecorys. Between 1982 and 2003, as Director of the Netherlands Economic Institute (now part of Ecorys), he was responsible for the publication of the economist magazine ESB. History has always had his interest.

Willem Molle, Professor Emeritus
More information

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media and Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics: rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, mobile phone: +31 6 53641 846.

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