VVD-Representative Anne Mulder: “They call me the conscience of the party”

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After ten years in the House of Representatives, alumnus Anne Mulder becomes councilor in The Hague. “I am used to making decisions by myself.”

He will not leave The Hague, but he will leave the Binnenhof. After ten years in the House of Representatives, Anne Mulder (VVD) wants a “different responsibility”, final responsibility. “As parliamentarian you control the power, but you make decisions with 150 people. I am ready to do that myself”, says Mulder (50). Mulder, who graduated in Economics and Business Economics at Erasmus School of Economics in 1995, has been nominated as councilor in The Hague.

By becoming councilor, Mulder returns to the place where he was first chosen as representative: between 2002 and 2010 he was a representative for the VVD in the city council of The Hague. “I look forward to biking through the city again, to be among the people”.

In the House of Representatives, Mulder built an authoritative reputation in the past ten years. He spoke about health care and was a member of the parliamentary committee on housing corporations. He is now chairman of the parliamentary committee of finance and he is one of the three Brexit-reporters on behalf of the parliament. Nevertheless, he only gained national fame this summer, when he appeared in Coen Verbraak’s television triptych about his experiences in Srebrenica, which are also the basis of his life in politics.

Read more about Anne Mulder and his nomination here.

More information

Anne Mulder graduated from Erasmus School of Economics in 1995.

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