Theatre: Children of Aleppo

Erasmus School of Economics

On Wednesday 14 November, Studium Generale organises the show "Children of Aleppo", in close collaboration with Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF. During the show, George Tobal will tell in a personal monologue about the peaceful freedom fighters that started the protests in Syria against the reign of Assad in March 2011 and about how their revolution got 'stolen'.  The show is based on true stories from the students who were involved in these protests. The show will be held in Erasmus Pavilion and starts at 20.00. Admission to the show is free.

The show "Children of Aleppo" is offered by UAF on the occassion of its 70th anniversary. The UAF helps refugees with their studies and with finding a job that suits their capacities. With the show, theater maker and Gouden Kalf-winner George Tobal wants to draw the attention to the dreams of these refugees, their courage and their enormous perseverance. George Tobal stresses that the show is not about 'pathetic refugees', but that the intention is to show o the public a different face of Syria and of its courageous students. 

George Tobal is a Syrian refugee himself. He had to wait eleven years for a residence permit. Via UAF, he was given the opportunity to go to school and to do the thing he likes most: acting and making theater. Currently, around 700 refugee students from Syria are receiving education in the Netherlands. These students make a great effort in order to shape their futures and to become part of the Dutch society.


More information

For more information about the performance at Erasmus Pavilion, click here.

For more information about the show itself, click here.


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