The termination of the leadership of Merkel and its economic consequences

Bas Jacobs, Professor of Public Economics at Erasmus School of Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

In a panel discussion on the Dutch radio station BNR Nieuwsradio on 29 October 2018, Bas Jacobs, Sijbren Cnossen Professor of Public Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, discusses among others Angela Merkel’s statement that her fourth term as chancellor will be her last and that she will step down as leader of the Christian Democrats (CDU). Other panel members are Barbara Baarsma (Rabobank) and Edin Mujagic (OHV Vermogensbeheer).

Despite Merkel's defeat earlier this week and the internal disagreement within her party and with coalition partner SDP, Merkel has announced that she wants to finish her term. From an European perspective, it is also important that she does so, because she is one of the most powerful and longest-serving leaders. Furthermore, there are still important themes which have to be dealt with, such as the Brexit. 

Bas Jacobs says: 'Germany has an important position in the world order to secure genuine stability and Merkel is the embodiment of this. From a political perspective, Merkel is also extremely important for the stability within Europe. However, Germany is now falling prey to movements within its electorate towards the sides as well. These are the same tendencies you see everywhere in the world, also with the recent elections in Brazil. I am worried about the international political stability and the world trade order. They now come under pressure. And if you, as a leader, announce that you are walking towards the exit, you play away your leverage.'


More information

Listen to the entire podcast on BNR Nieuwsradio, d.d. 29 October 2018

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