Tax authorities miss out on hundreds of millions because of undeclared workers

Peter Kavelaars, Professor of Fiscal Economics at Erasmus School of Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

About 400.000 Dutchmen evaded the tax authorities last year. Mostly cleaners, daycare, haircutters and the construction sector work more than they say they do. Over these undeclared earnings, the authorities could have collected income taxes.

How often the authorities supervise for undeclared workers and how often fines are handed out, has never been tracked. According to Secretary of State Menno Snel we can always monitor more, while he said before that he has a limited amount of supervisors. Peter Kavelaars, Professor of Fiscal Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, thinks that it’s unwise not to monitor more. By more intensive supervision on undeclared working, extra supervisors will automatically earn themselves back.

Peter Kavelaars
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Read the entire article here, 27 September 2019 (in Dutch).

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