Sharable transport is not necessarily safer or cleaner

New ways of transport take over Rotterdam. In theory the city should become safer, cleaner and less crowded the moment people leave their own polluting cars and scooters at home. There’s still not a lot of research done about this topic, however Lars Kerst, a student of Erasmus School of Economics, shows in his BSc thesis that users of sharable scooters and cars often leave their bike at home and stay away from public transport.

From January 2020 onwards, the electric steps make their appearance in Rotterdam. Yet another way of transportation that can be added to the list of sharable transportation modes – bikes, Felyx scooters and Lev cars. Main argument, durability.

Electric means of transportation seem to be more sustainable, however in fact this is not always the case. This is partly due to the production of the batteries, which contain cobalt and lithium. Mining these commodities goes hand in hand with child labour and heavy pollution.

More information

Read the entire article on Vers beton, 18 October 2019 (in Dutch).

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