PhD defence of Ronald de Vlaming on 6 July 2017

On Thursday 6 July Ronald de Vlaming will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Linear Mixed Models in Statistical Genetics'. Supervisor is Professor Roy Thurik (Erasmus School of Economics) and co-supervisors are Professor Patrick Groenen en Dr. Philipp Koellinger. Other members of the committee are: Professor Richard Paap (Erasmus School of Economics), Professor Paul  Eilers (Erasmus MC), Professor Danielle Posthuma (VU University Amsterdam), dr. Jonathan P. Beauchamp (University of Toronto), dr. Matthew C. Keller (University of Colorado, Boulder) and dr. Katrijn Van Deun (Tilburg University)

Time and location

The PhD defence will take place in the Senate Hall of Erasmus University Rotterdam and will start at 15.30 hrs.

More information

For more information about this ceremony, please contact Ronald de Groot, Communication Officer of the Erasmus School of Economics phone +31 10 408 1762 or by e-mail:

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