NWO Veni grant awarded to Ana Figueiredo

Image - Ana Figueiredo
Erasmus School of Economics

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Dr Ana Figueiredo of Erasmus School of Economics with an individual NWO Veni grant. The NWO Veni grant, of up to 280.000 euros, is awarded to excellent researchers who have recently obtained their PhD to conduct independent research and develop their ideas for a period of three years. Laureates are at the start of their scientific career and display a striking talent for scientific research. 

Ana Figueiredo is an assistant professor in the Department of Economics of Erasmus School of Economics. She received her PhD in economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain in 2018. Her research interests lie at the intersection of macroeconomics and labour economics, focusing on labour market dynamics and inequality. 

About the three-year NWO Veni project of Ana Figueiredo

Losing a job causes a significant and persistent drop in earnings for workers. How they protect themselves against these adverse consequences might influence their job search behaviour and, as a consequence, future earnings. For example, a wealthy worker who suddenly loses their job can use liquid savings to prolong job search and wait for a suitable job, but this is not an option for low-wealth workers.

Instead, the pressure to find a new job can quickly push these workers to search for jobs that are easier to find. Previous studies have indeed shown that low-wealth workers experience shorter unemployment durations. Yet, what type of jobs they take on to cope with the loss of income remains an open question.

Figueiredo’s VENI project tackles this issue by studying the role of temporary work as a self-insurance mechanism for workers with limited financial resources.

Her research will focus on three dimensions:

  1. the impact of wealth on the take-up of temporary employment after job loss
  2. how this interacts with risk-sharing opportunities within a household
  3. the long-run consequences for earnings of taking on temporary work to cope with income loss.

The project will improve our understanding about the search behaviour of unemployed workers, which is key to design effective labour market policies.

Erasmus School of Economics congratulates Ana with this amazing achievement.

More information

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media & Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics: rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, mobile phone: +31 6 53 641 846.

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