Michiel Muller always takes it to the next level

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Entrepreneur Michiel Muller was sixteen when he decided he was only going to worry about the things he could control, says his wife Irene Schoof. 'For example, he says that he only had one bad night of sleep when he gave up his good job at Esso for a more uncertain future as an entrepreneur. Well, I had a couple more. But apparently, Michiel has great confidence in himself.' 

Rotterdam mentality

'The Eramsus Trustfonds, of which Muller has been the chairman for the past five years, is something he does on the side, next to his company Picnic. Nevertheless, I can always call him. It doesn't matter whether it's a Sunday or at night, he will always make time', says Margot van Sluis, director of the fund. When Muller took over the role of chairman, he launched the ambitious plan to increase the capital of the fund to € 100 million. That characterises him, thinks Van Sluis. 'He has a Rotterdam mentality: always show that something is possible. You can always come to him with the wildest plans, and he will even take it up a notch.'

More information

Michiel Muller graduated from Erasmus School of Economics in 1989. 

Read full article here (Dutch). 

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