Mary Pieterse-Bloem elected as Dutch Investment Influential 2018

Erasmus School of Economics

Mary Pieterse-Bloem, Professor of Financial Markets at Erasmus School of Economics and Global Head Fixed Income in the Global Investment Center of the Private Bank of ABN AMRO, has been elected as Dutch Investment Influential 2018 by IEXProfs. Mary Pieterse-Bloem has won with a large headstart. The voting percentage for Professor Pieterse-Bloem was 72 percent. The voting percentage for the runner up, Klaas Knot, president of the Dutch Central Bank, was 58 percent. Professor Pieterse-Bloem says she feels surprised and honoured, especially because she defeated Klaas Knot. 

What stood out during the competition of this year, was that there were more women on the election list than in previous years. This, however, was not a coincidence. In the Dutch financial sector, men posses five from the six top jobs. That has to change, and a manner to bring this change about is to put the most important female of the sector into the spotlight. Professor Pieterse-Bloem is happy about the fact that so many women ended in the Top 10. 'They deserved it', Professor Pieterse-Bloem says, 'they all posses the right qualities  to end up so high.' And Professor Pieterse-Bloem is right, also when it comes to herself: Her picture was the one which received the most attention of the voters. Already from the first day on, she took the lead and Klaas Knot was not able to get close to her during the entire competition. As such, she deserves the first place.

Professor Pieterse-Bloem would like to use her influece  to correct the pricing in the financial market. Especially the pricing in the bond market is far from normal because of the intervention of the central bank. According to Professor Pieterse-Bloem, it is time that the central bank steps back. 


More information

Read the entire article here, IEXProfs 2 December

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