Mary Pieterse-Bloem appointed Endowed Professor of Financial Markets

As of 1 September 2018, Dr Mary Pieterse-Bloem has been appointed Endowed Professor of Financial Markets at Erasmus School of Economics through the Erasmus Trustfonds. Within the Finance group of the department of Business Economics, the Chair occupies an important field on its own. At the same time it connects with the Chair in Corporate Finance, extending the combined footprint of the Department to the area of asset pricing and asset allocation.

Mary Pieterse-Bloem combines her position at Erasmus School of Economics with her senior position as Global Head Fixed Income in the Global Investment Center of the Private Bank of ABN AMRO.

With her activities at ABN AMRO (0.8 FTE) Mary Pieterse-Bloem is able to perform research with a very close eye on practice. Important ‘fresh from the field’ research topics are for instance the study of bond market liquidity and the return impact of firms’ alignment with the UN sustainable development goals. Since her appointment at Erasmus School of Economics in September 2011 she is responsible for the fixed income research and education programme including daily supervision of two PhD candidates, authoring academic publications, the Master’s course on fixed income securities and bond portfolio management and supervising of students with their thesis.

About Mary Pieterse-Bloem         

Mary Pieterse-Bloem has spent her entire professional career in fixed income. Starting in 1993 upon the completion of her MSc in Economics at London School of Economics, she worked the first thirteen years in the dealing rooms of Paribas, DrKW and Lehman Brothers in London as Euro bond strategist and Debt Capital Markets professional. In 2006 she took time out to write her PhD thesis on the integration of European corporate bond markets. She obtained her doctorate in 2011 at Tilburg University, after which she resumed her career in the Netherlands in asset management.

As Global Head Fixed Income of the ABN AMRO Private Banking, Mary Pieterse-Bloem leads a global team of fixed income specialists which is responsible for delivering high performing portfolios and investment recommendations to the private clients of ABN AMRO. She is a voting member of the Global Investment Committee which determines the allocation of the approximate 210 billion euro assets that ABN AMRO’s private bank has under management.

Before joining ABN AMRO in 2015, she worked for ING Investment Management (now NN IP) and then for APG Asset Management, both as a Senior Strategist for the fixed income portfolios of respectively the largest life insurer (Nationale Nederlanden) and largest pension fund (ABP) in the Netherlands.

Mary Pieterse-Bloem frequently appears in written media, including Het Financieele Dagblad, Telegraaf, PensioenPro, and on television including CNBC and the Bloomberg Daybreak TV Show. Mary Pieterse-Bloem is Chair of the Rente Gilde (“Rates Guild”), the Dutch craft’s guild for professionals working in fixed income markets.

More information

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Communications Officer at Erasmus School of Economics, at, or +31 6 53 641 846.