'Letterbox companies cost the Netherlands money'

Erasmus School of Economics

The revenue generated by the Netherlands from 'letterbox companies' has risen sharply in recent years. Nevertheless, the contribution to the real economy is small, according to a calculation by CBS and De Nederlandsche Bank, published today in economenblad ESB. On 27 November 2018, Peter Kavelaars, Professor of Fiscal Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, was a guest on BNR Nieuwsradio to discuss this issue.

'The contribution to the real economy is small. At the same time you see that the GNP is rising, because large sums of money flow through the Netherlands, which in turn leads to a higher contribution to the European Union. So it actually costs us money', says Kavelaars.

More information

For more information you can listen to the entire interview (in Dutch) on BNR Nieuwsradio, 27 November 2018.

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