Less women stop with working after getting a child

A new publication of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shows that less women stop with working after getting a child: the percentage of women that do stop is currently only 4%. Furthermore, women earn 38 percent of the household income, the majority of the higher educated are nowadays female, and women more often have a high position or technical jobs. Sandra Phlippen, assistant professor at Erasmus School of Economics and Head for the Netherlands of ABN AMRO’s Group Economics, says that this is a good development.

According to Sandra Phlippen, this development is not only the result of different choices of women, but also of men. It has always been said that working part-time is not good because it hinders emancipation. However, we actually see that working part-time is becoming the norm of all Dutch workers - also men. They all chose for a better work-life balance and over the past ten years, we see that men are increasingly choosing to work less hours.

Assistant professor
Sandra Phlippen
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Watch the entire video on RTL Late Night, 22 January

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