'Knowing other people are uncertain as well took away a lot of the uncertainty' - Alumnus Kayvan Kian

Kian speaking at an Erasmus Alumni Trust event.

Put together a group of young leaders and the conversation will be about stress, meaning, uncertainty, relationships and pressure from work, says Kayvan Kian.

As a management consultant at McKinsey Nederland and founder of the Young Leaders Forum, which offers multi-day courses to young leaders, he regularly hears about the problems young leaders struggle with. In his book What is water?, that came out this spring, Kian gives young leaders all sorts of tips how to deal with the problems they encounter. In his book, he asks his readers to become aware of their environment and their position in it. Taking a step back allows you to look at matters from a different perspective, for example regarding the things you can influence and things you can't. What is worthy of your energy and what isn't?

More information

Kayvan Kian graduated from Erasmus School of Economics in 2006. He also has a law degree from Erasmus School of Law.

Read the full interview from NRC here (Dutch).

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