Johannes Witteveen - Brilliant economist inspired by Sufism

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'There are thousands of economists, but there is only one Witteveen', says fellow economist Jan Pen about Johannes Witteveen.  

The former professor, senator, Minister of Finance, member of parliament and director of the IMF, who passed away on Tuesday at the age of 97, was a man full of paradoxes. Member of the liberal party VVD and at the same time a believer in Keynesian economics; a brilliant economist, that was at the same time inspired by Sufism, and a gracious, slightly shy man who was at the same time not afraid of controversies. 

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Johannes Witteveen was alumnus, professor, and rector magnificus of the Netherlands School of Economics, one of the predecessors of Erasmus University. 

Read the full article here (Dutch). 
More information about Johannes Witteveen. 

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