Jan van Ours new director of the Department of Applied Economics

Erasmus School of Economics

As of 1 April 2018 Professor Jan van Ours has been appointed as the new director of the Department of Applied Economics. He succeeds Professor Enrico Pennings who led the department for more than five years and starts as Vice Dean and as Director of Research at the same date.

Enrico Pennings: ‘I am proud of the tremendous growth our department has made in terms of research quality, coherence, visibility and teaching excellence. It is great to see that interactions between the different research groups have led to many new research initiatives and grants. I am sure that Jan van Ours will continue this successful path.’

Dean Philip Hans Franses: ‘I am very grateful to Enrico Pennings for the excellent job he has done and I am confident that the passionate and experienced researcher Jan van Ours will give further impetus to the excellence of the research groups in the Department of Applied Economics.’

Professor of Applied Economics Jan van Ours joined Erasmus School of Economics in October 2016. He is consistently in the top of the rankings of best economists in the Netherlands, regardless of how the ranking is compiled. Previously he was a professor at Tilburg University. His book on the economics of imperfect labor markets, written with Tito Boeri, is used in many universities as the standard textbook for labor economics. His work lies at the intersection of labor economics and health economics.

More information

For more information please contact Ronald de Groot, Communication Officer Erasmus School of Economics +31 6 53 641 846 or rdegroot@ese.eur.nl

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