Is the IT sector still interesting?

Image - Mary Pieterse-Bloem
Erasmus School of Economics

Mary Pieterse-Bloem, Professor of Financial Markets at Erasmus School of Economics and Global Head Fixed income in the Global Investment Center of the Private Bank of ABN AMRO, participates in the investment panel discussion on BNR Nieuwsradio, on Tuesday 30 April 2019.

Mary and other panel members, Lodewijk van der Kroft (Comgest Benelux) and Jeroen Blokland (Robeco Investment Solutions), give some insight in what investment decisions they have made recently and discuss what investors can expect the coming months.

Professor Mary Pieterse-Bloem explains that her investment team made a change with regards to the sector they invest in. In their equity portfolio, they had a strong position in the energy sector, but they sold these shares and now obtained a strong position in the communication services and IT sector. So, they got a position in companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Google, ASLM, Microsoft and Intel. But was this a well-considered choice, especially since Intel went down with 10% last week?

According to Professor Mary Pieterse-Bloem these sectors offer big opportunities. Communication services consists of media and entertainment companies and these are often American. They perform really well and benefit from a winner-takes-all effect as well as from the digitalisation and the uprising of digital platforms. Intel's shares price may have decreased, but according to Professor Mary Pieterse-Bloem, it is important to look at the cause of this reduction.

For Intel, this reduction can be attributed to the stockpiling they conducted. Higher levels of stocks means lower prices and Intel was much more conservative in its expressions about these action than other companies, such as Samsung. As such, it is only natural that its share prices went down. However, if we look at the sector as a whole, we think that it is a really promising one.

More information

Listen to the entire podcast on BNR Nieuwsradio, d.d. 30 April 2019

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