Isabel Orlemans and Willemijn van Buuren winners of the 2022 Diversity Thesis Award

Erasmus school of Economics greatly values diversity and is committed to researching topics that further advance knowledge in diversity and inclusion. The Diversity Thesis Award is presented annually to one outstanding Bachelor and one Master student whose theses not only explore crucial aspects of diversity but also are of academic excellence, achieving a score of 8.0 or higher. 

While a wide range of topics qualify for the award, Erasmus School of Economics extends its congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Diversity Thesis Award: Isabel Orlemans (Bachelor thesis) and Willemijn van Buuren (Master thesis). 

Bachelor thesis winner: Isabel Orlemans 

Isabel’s thesis, titled “The Effect of a German Female Member of Parliament on the Number of Female Candidates: A Regression Discontinuity Design Approach,” presents an in-depth study that investigated the influence of female members of parliament on the candidacy of other women in Germany, yielding surprising results. Her research revealed overall insignificant or negative effects of the election of a female member of parliament on the subsequent number of female candidates. The jurors were impressed with the quality of her work and deemed it worthy of a submission to a journal. 

Master Thesis winner: Willemijn van Buuren

Willemijn van Buuren’s exceptional thesis, “Examining stock market reactions to tragical consequences of racism in relation to black director presence: New evidence of investors' racial biases,” was selected to win the prize of 1,000 Euros. Willemijn hypothesised a positive relationship between the presence of black board members and firm value. However, the thesis only found mild evidence of a negative effect, interpreted as biased performance expectations following racialized incidents. Jurors praised this work for its insightful perspective and rigor.

By spotlighting the work of Isabel and Willemijn, Erasmus School of Economics hopes to inspire Bachelor and Master students to explore these vital topics on their theses. The school continues to support academic excellence and research in diversity and inclusion in 2023 with a new round of the Diversity Thesis Award. 

More information

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media & Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics: and +316 53 641 846.

From left to right on the picture: Prof. Pilar García-Gómez (Vice Dean and Director of Research), Willemijn van Buuren, Isabel Orlemans and Dr Teresa Bago d’Uva (Diversity Officer)

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