Various ECEFG members and research affiliates will be presenting their research in three panels dedicated to 'The "New" European Central Bank' at the ICON•S Mundo, the 2021 Conference of the International Society of Public Law, which is taking place online on 6-9 July 2021.
These three panels, which are organised by Diane Fromage (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow at Sciences Po Paris), present a retrospective and prospective account of the European Central Bank (ECB). The hypothesis explored throughout the papers is that the ECB of today is a new entity from the ECB that was founded in 1998. This novelty can be seen to manifest itself substantively, institutionally, in the ECB’s interactions with other institutions and in the way it conducts its policies. The papers presented at the conference will feature in a volume edited by Thomas Beukers, Diane Fromage and Giorgio Monti (forthcoming with OUP).
Session #101 July 7 @ 15:00 - 16:30 CET
The ‘New‘ ECB? (1): A contextual analysis of the European Central Bank
Marijn van der Sluis, The role of constitutional law for the ECB: past, present and future
Florin Coman-Kund, The ECB's international dimension
Christy Ann Petit, The ECB mandate – a comparative constitutional perspective
Discussant: Fabian Amtenbrink
Chairs: Kern Alexander / Diane Fromage
Session #162 July 8 @ 12:20 - 13:50 CET
The ‘New‘ ECB? (3): Moving beyond Monetary Policy
Jonathan Bauerschmidt, The European Central Bank and Economic Integration
Kern Alexander, The ECB‘s role in the European Banking Union
Ad van Riet, The European Central Bank in the New Normal: Organizing Fiscal Support for Monetary Policy
Agnieszka Smoleńska / Thomas Beukers, The instruments of financial stability – a legal and conceptual analysis of the ECB‘s toolbox
Discussant: Takis Tridimas
Chairs: Thomas Beukers / Diane Fromage
Session #190 July 8 @ 17:20 - 18:50 CET
The ‘New‘ ECB? (2): Institutional settings 20 years after its establishment
Menelaos Markakis / Fabian Amtenbrink, The Evolving Accountability of the European Central Bank
Takis Tridimas, The ECB, the Court of Justice and the redesigning of the integration paradigm
Diane Fromage, (Re-) Situating the ECB in the EU‘s institutional landscape
Discussants: David Baez / Alexander Thiele
Chair: Vestert Borger

- More information
For more information, please go to (please search ECB).