How does the current US-Iran conflict affect investments and the market?

Mary Pieterse-Bloem
Erasmus School of Economics

Mary Pieterse-Bloem, Professor of Financial Markets at Erasmus School of Economics and Global Head Fixed income in the Global Investment Center of ABN AMRO, participates in the BNR Nieuwsradio investment panel discussion on Tuesday 7 January 2020.

Together with Reinder Wietsma (IBS Capital Management) and Martine Hafkamp (Finessa), Mary Pieterse-Bloem discusses whether the market will take a beating if a genuine war with Iran is inevitable. The European stock markets fell on Monday. After the US drone attack, investors sold their shares. They sought refuge in safer harbors like gold. Another discussion topic is a message delivered to the American Economic Association’s annual meeting on Sunday 5 January 2020 by former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi. Via a video link to the conference in San Diego, Draghi said that the U.S. and the euro area face daunting economic challenges in a world of low inflation and interest rates and central banks alone don’t have the tools to cope. He believes that for the euro area there is some risk of Japanification, but that it is by no means a foregone conclusion.

Listen to the BNR broadcast here (in Dutch.)



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