Hans van Kippersluis appointed Professor of Applied Economics

As of 1 July 2019, Dr Hans van Kippersluis has been appointed Professor of Applied Economics, at Erasmus School of Economics. Within the broad field of applied economics, his research focuses on health behaviour and human capital.

Health behaviour is a socially relevant and scientifically complex field of study. Unhealthy habits impose large costs on the individual and society. The key objective of this research theme is to acquire a deeper understanding of why intentions of healthy behavior fail to be realised, in order to design interventions that achieve sustained adoption of healthier habits. This objective will be realised by combining knowledge from economics, genetics and psychology.

The second research theme ‘human capital’ considers the economics of human capital, an active theoretical and empirical literature that seeks to answer fundamental scientific questions such as how do different components of human capital affect each other over the life cycle, wat is the relative role of nature and nurture in acquiring human capital, and what is the effect of public policies on human capital investment and decline.

About Hans van Kippersluis

Hans van Kippersluis has made contributions not only to the field of health economics but also to the broader discipline of economics. This is evident from the fact that he is publishing in the top journals in the fields of health economics (e.g. two articles in Journal of Health Economics, three articles in Health Economics), labour economics (e.g. two articles in the Journal of Human Resources), econometrics (e.g., articles in Quantitative Economics and the Econometrics Journal), and even general-interest journals (one in the Economic Journal, another under revision for the Journal of Political Economy).

In 2013 Hans van Kippersluis received a VENI grant, and in 2017 he received a grant of 525 thousand euros from the NORFACE research programme “Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course” (DIAL). This budget has allowed Van Kippersluis and the department of Applied Economics to attract two PhD candidates and one postdoctoral researcher. Van Kippersluis’ research project is studying Gene-Environment Interplay in the Generation of Health and Education Inequalities, which is executed in close collaboration with Niels Rietveld and Stephanie von Hinke (both Erasmus School of Economics), Pietro Biroli (Universität Zürich) and Tõnu Esko (University of Tartu). Their research focuses on combining methods from genetics and social science to investigate the interplay between genes and the environment in producing inequalities in education and health outcomes.

Van Kippersluis is also coordinating the Action Line “Prevention” of the Erasmus Initiative “Smarter Choices for Better Health”. This project also supports 2 PhD students and one postdoctoral researcher at Erasmus School of Economics and Erasmus MC, and aims to identify promising interventions to encourage sustained adoption of healthier habits.

More information

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Communications Officer at Erasmus School of Economics, at rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, or +31 6 53 641 846.

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