Going to college as a ten-year-old

Erasmus School of Economics

On 9 and 10 October, hundreds of very young students took a seat in the lecture rooms of Erasmus University Rotterdam to participate in Erasmus Junior College. During this college, they brainstormed about fundamental questions, together with Professor of Economics of Incentives and Performance Robert Dur. 

The largest part of the primary school students were not familiar with Erasmus University Rotterdam yet. The very young students are only in the first year of the children's programma Erasmus Junior College. This programma has the objective to make the students acquainted with the university and to teach them to learn in an investigative manner. What they want to learn, is still a difficult question for the children. Science, however, interests them, because it allows them to discover new things and to make the world a little better. 


Read the whole article (in Dutch) on AD, d.d. 10 October 2018

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