Frank van der Duijn Schouten is appointed Interim Dean of Erasmus School of Economics

The Executive Board of Erasmus University has appointed Professor Frank van der Duijn Schouten as Interim Dean of Erasmus School of Economics with effect from 1 February 2019. During his successful career to date Van der Duijn Schouten has held many offices including being Rector Magnificus of Tilburg University and VU University Amsterdam. Here at Erasmus University, he succeeds Professor Philip Hans Franses, who has been Dean since 2006.

Van der Duijn Schouten is emeritus Professor of Mathematical Decision Making. Until October 1 of this year he was interim Dean of Erasmus School of Philosophy. Under his leadership, Philosophy has become permanently anchored as a fully-fledged academic field within Erasmus University.

The Executive Board know Frank van der Duijn Schouten as a very experienced and respected Executive. He is therefore extremely well equipped to (temporarily) lead Erasmus School of Economics, the oldest faculty of Erasmus University.

The Executive Board has decided to appoint an Interim Dean as the recent search for a new permanent Dean has unfortunately not resulted in finding the right candidate for the School. Van der Duijn Schouten has now been appointed for a period of one and a half years. During this interim period, the search will commence again to recruit a new, permanent Dean for Erasmus School of Economics.

The appointment of the Interim Dean took place in close consultation with the Appointment Advisory Committee of the faculty, consisting of scientists and support staff as well as with the Participation Council Advisory Committee consisting of representatives from the Faculty Council.

Great appreciation

The Executive Board is extremely grateful to Professor Philip Hans Franses for his tremendous efforts and valuable work for Erasmus School of Economics and Erasmus University. During the past twelve years, he has made the faculty a strong, internationally leading and ambitious player in its field.

Professor Franses, in addition to his role as Dean, has always remained an active and engaged scientist. Throughout his Deanship he has held/holds a number of ancillary scholarly positions and has received various awards for his work. He is, among others, a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the World Economic Forum Expert Group and Fellow of the International Institute of Forecasters. In 2012 he received an Honorary Doctorate from Chiang Mai University (Thailand) and since this year he is Honorary Chair Professor at Asia University (Taiwan).

From 1 February, 2019, Professor Franses will have the opportunity again to dedicate himself completely to his academic work. He remains affiliated with Erasmus School of Economics, as Professor of Applied Econometrics and Professor of Marketing Research.

About Frank van der Duijn Schouten

Frank van der Duijn Schouten (1949), emeritus Professor of Mathematical Decision Making, studied mathematics, physics and astronomy at the VU Amsterdam. In 1979 he obtained his PhD from Leiden University. During his academic career, he has held a large number of managerial and executive positions within the academic world. For example, he was Rector Magnificus at Tilburg University for nine years and Rector Magnificus of VU Amsterdam from 2013 to 2015. Until 1 October 2018, he held the position of Interim Dean of Erasmus School of Philosophy.

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